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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 9, 2019
UK (born in Hungary)
I'm now working on iMac G3s to make a small collection of the colours I like best. I have a Blue Dalmatian 600MHz and I am looking at others. It will be slow since not so many people post them now.

I only really like to run OS X on these, like I do on my other Macs, and I am interested in the GPUs and how well they will perform. I know that none will be great and that Quartz Extreme doesn't happen on any of them.

As I can see, the slot load iMacs came with three different GPUs:

  • Rage 128 VR 2D/3D with 8MB
  • Rage 128 Pro with 8MB
  • Rage 128 Ultra with 8MB
Some of the nicest colours came with the 128 VR. It has the same VRAM as 128 Pro, but I am guessing worse performance. Does anyone have experience of this in Tiger? Is it usable or unusable?


macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2017
London, UK
Some of the nicest colours came with the 128 VR. It has the same VRAM as 128 Pro, but I am guessing worse performance. Does anyone have experience of this in Tiger? Is it usable or unusable?

My iMac G3/350 has the Rage 128 VR GPU and Tiger (with a few tweaks and optimisations) works great despite Apple officially barring it from running on the computer. You can read about my experiences with Tiger and the iMac here. It copes surprisingly well with many Xvid encoded video files and MPEG-2 SDTV recordings. I've shared some examples in this post. :)
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macrumors member
Aug 28, 2020
Hey I have an iMac Flowers Power and I have upgraded its logic board to the 700MHz G3 CXE CPU which come along with the Ati Rage 128 Ultra with 16MB of VRAM. Having 16MB is huge leap forward comoared to the 8MB since it allows you to play a wider amount of game of that era. With that spec, SSD and 1GB RAM, Tiger is, of course, very usable.
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