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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 18, 2002
Houston, TX
Ive noticed when i run the sudo periodic... command from terminal it messes up some of my privileges, mainly private.log. Is this happeneing to anyone else? I know its not a big deal but would still like to know. Thanx!

It isn't happening to me and I run my daily and weekly scripts quite often. Did you check permissions right before and right after doing the scripts?
i forgot to mention i was running panther, i didnt know if you were too. Yes I did check both before and after and it happens right after i run the maintainance scripts.
I tried doing the daily and then the weekly scripts, but after checking permissions it comes back as being clear and all verified correctly. I am not too sure about what is going on behind the scenes in Unix when you run the scripts, but there must be a program you have that does something that when you reset everything with the scripts causes something to be fudged.
well i just did a clean install and i installed just the updates and repaired permissions. Then did the commands and repaird again and same thing.

I did each command and then repaired and found out that it is the monthly command that is causing the trouble. Here is the privileges that is messes up.

Repairing permissions for “iBook HD”
Determining correct file permissions.
Permissions differ on ./private/var/log/install.log, should be -rw-r--r-- , they are -rw-r-----
Owner and group corrected on ./private/var/log/install.log
Permissions corrected on ./private/var/log/install.log
Permissions differ on ./private/var/log/wtmp, should be -rw-r--r-- , they are -rw-r-----
Owner and group corrected on ./private/var/log/wtmp
Permissions corrected on ./private/var/log/wtmp
The privileges have been verified or repaired on the selected volume

Permissions repair complete
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