Any else having a problem with periodically losing their network connection on their new iMac? Basically not working properly with your router?
I've narrowed the problem down to the router by connecting directly to the modem and using PPPoe, which works fine.
I had a dlink router which I thought was causing this. Whenever I would use the new iMac I would lose the internet periodically (on my whole network). It would take about 5 minutes to return.
I bought a new linksys router WRT120N to replace the dlink and the problems continue but the internet now only goes out long enough to disconnect my instant messengers and interrupt my streams. Just a little blip. I updated the firmware on the router which I thought worked (ran flawlessly for two days) but now the problem is back.
I'm just wondering if I'm the only one suffering from this or has it been happening to others. It's rather annoying.
I've narrowed the problem down to the router by connecting directly to the modem and using PPPoe, which works fine.
I had a dlink router which I thought was causing this. Whenever I would use the new iMac I would lose the internet periodically (on my whole network). It would take about 5 minutes to return.
I bought a new linksys router WRT120N to replace the dlink and the problems continue but the internet now only goes out long enough to disconnect my instant messengers and interrupt my streams. Just a little blip. I updated the firmware on the router which I thought worked (ran flawlessly for two days) but now the problem is back.
I'm just wondering if I'm the only one suffering from this or has it been happening to others. It's rather annoying.