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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 30, 2003
Snellville, GA
i've just downloaded meteo(rologist), a full-featured, free weather menulet. it's very similar to weatherpop advance, but free.

so anyway, unlike weatherpop advance, this is actually an application that you must launch before it comes up on your menu-thing at the top. so of course, i put it in the start-up items list thing.

my only problem is that sometimes when i just need to do something real quick i hold down the shift key during log in so that none of those startup items start. i don't need safari, mail, ichat, itunes, and ical just to check movie times. is there anyway feasible way to make it always start-up, no matter what? i know there must be because weatherpop and other menulets don't require this. or maybe meteo isn't a true menulet??

any suggestions would be appreciated.


**i'm running 10.3.2**
Yeah, it sounds like it's not a true .menu item. It's a full fledged application that needs to be run. So to answer your question, no, you cannot have it startup if you hold down the shift key.

A better question is why do you turn your machine off? Just let it sleep, then it's back in an instant. Sleep uses almost no power, and causes no harm to your system. In fact, it's better to just let your system sleep. OS X doesn't like to be rebooted. So, in a nutshell, the solution to your problem is to not shut down.
You can check it so that those apps will open hidden too. (In the login settings)

Yeah, why don't you sleep your machine?
i do put my machine to sleep.
the only time i ever turn off is during t-storms, vacations, installing programs and installing updates.

i still need to log out so that others can log in. most of the time no one else uses my system, but sometimes people (my sister) need to use it.

too bad...

i guess i don't need to always know the weather since i don't get out much.
:p :D :) :D :p

If you had Panther you could log out to the login screen and leave all your processes running.

I would just recommend not having all those apps start up automatically. It's not like it takes long to launch them when you need them. Just have Meteo and what ever else you absolutely must have in the login items and start those other apps up manually as needed.
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