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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
I'm not particularly knowledgeable with the command line or privy to kext functionality in macOS. I'm currently using Turbo Boost Switcher (a GUI for loading an extension that toggles turbo boost) and since FileVault is enabled, it prompts me for my admin password every time my MacBook sleeps (and thus locks). I would like to quasi-permanently disable turbo boost so I don't have to always sign in. Is there a way I could move the extension itself to /System/Library/Extensions and have it load every time at boot, as others in that location do?

Also, I believe kext signing was originally introduced in 10.9, and am not sure if this will cause any issues (although IIRC it can be disabled).

Side note: why someone would want to do this is irrelevant. I want to do it, that should be enough.


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
You can test that kext by moving it to where you want (/System/Library/Extensions folder) - unless the system won't allow it. You would find that out soon enough.
Most folks here would recommend against making any kind of changes to the System folder, especially if you don't have too much experience digging around in that folder.
Where is the kext located now?
You could move it to /Library/Extensions folder.

Either way, you would want to restart after placing the kext in other locations, so your system will restart with that kext, and do what it may be designed to do.
If you have problems, such as kernel crash at boot, or sudden instability of the system, then you know where to go to move that kext back out of those folders.

If it appears to work (or you simply don't get any errors, and no indications that tell you it's working), you can run the good reporting app EtreCheck, then post the listing from that back here, EtreCheck will display lots of startup files, and various kexts/extensions that can show where you might be having difficulties.
It will help if you also post the exact file name of the .kext file, so we can pick that out easily.

If this is all a puzzle, and you don't know how to proceed with the extension - Maybe it is built-in to the app that you are trying to use. You can look in the package, then copy the file out of there. However, you run the risk of preventing the app from doing what you want (turbo mode on demand, I suppose) -
So, a good question here: Have you tried asking that question to the developer of that app? They might have a good answer for you that allows you to fully use the app, without needing to continually authenticate to use it.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Thanks for the response. I know the app (Turbo Boost Switcher) is a simpler way of loading something like It didn't even occur to me to ask the developer so I'll do that. Also, it's currently located inside the app which is in my Applications folder. Also, thanks for the heads up about EtreCheck.

I guess what I'm trying to do is just have the computer automatically load that extension every time at boot with no further input from me. I don't think just moving it to either of the extensions folders will work is because even just using it normally, one has to manually load it in the terminal every time (or use the toggle in the app). But I will get in contact with the developer to see what he has to say.


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
Kext signing was introduced in Yosemite, so you would not need to do anything with that in Mavericks.

If you are not asked to authenticate until you have File Vault enabled, then one solution would be to turn FileVault off.

If you need that extra layer of security, maybe there is another encryption solution that will allow more freedom in your system configuration.
If not, then part of that security layer will be the occasional inconvenience of authentication. You may not be able to get around that, if you want that level of security.
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