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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 7, 2017
I have a Samsung 2TB external hard drive which that I only now have permission to read files on. The motherboard of my MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012) was recently replaced and I assume this has caused the problem, I'm running Sierra 10.12.2 and I'm using the administrator account but I can't find anyway to change the permission settings on my external harddrive. Any help will be much appreciated, thanks.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
How to SOLVE the problem:

1. Boot up.
2. Connect the external drive so that its icon appears on the desktop (don't open it yet)
3. Click on the drive icon ONE TIME to select it
4. Choose "get info" by typing "command-i" (EYE)
5. In the bottom right corner of the get info window there's a lock icon. Click on it and enter your administrative password
6. To the left, in the "sharing and permissions" area, there should be a checkbox that says "ignore ownership on this volume"
7. Put a check into it, and close the get info window.

Now, try doing whatever you need to do.
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