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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 26, 2020
Hi All,

I am getting persistent NVMe Kernel Panics on a 13" 2017 MacBook Pro Non Touch Bar a1708. Please see below the full Kernel Panic report. The Kernel Panics happen only when the laptop is on battery power and only when the charge goes below 70%. The issue doesn't happen when it's plugged in or over 70% charged.

I am running the latest version of Catalina (10.15.6) and have done a clean re-install of the operating system many times so I don't think it is a software issue. Panics also happen when running in safe mode. I have also reset the SCM multiple times but no luck.

The report suggest to me that it might be an issue with the SSD. I have booted the OS from an external drive but the kernel panics still appear which makes me think it might not be the SSD after all. The fact that the issue only happens when on battery power leads me to think that it might be a bad battery even though it only has 136 cycles and the condition is normal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f93a3d231): nvme: "Fatal error occurred. ID=0xffffffff ARG1=0xffffffff ARG2=0xffffffff ARG3=0xffffffff EDD0=0xffffffff EDD1=0xffffffff EDD2=0xffffffff EDD3=0xffffffff EDD4=0xffffffff EDD5=0xffffffff EDD6=0xffffffff EDD7=0xffffffff NANDV=0x1, DRAMV=0x2, SSDC=128GB. FW Revision=16.14.01\n"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff91550eb9e0 : 0xffffff801071a65d
0xffffff91550eba30 : 0xffffff8010854a75
0xffffff91550eba70 : 0xffffff80108465fe
0xffffff91550ebac0 : 0xffffff80106c0a40
0xffffff91550ebae0 : 0xffffff8010719d27
0xffffff91550ebbe0 : 0xffffff801071a117
0xffffff91550ebc30 : 0xffffff8010ec1abc
0xffffff91550ebca0 : 0xffffff7f93a3d231
0xffffff91550ebcc0 : 0xffffff7f93a28362
0xffffff91550ebe20 : 0xffffff8010e32329
0xffffff91550ebe90 : 0xffffff8010e32249
0xffffff91550ebec0 : 0xffffff801075c605
0xffffff91550ebf40 : 0xffffff801075c131
0xffffff91550ebfa0 : 0xffffff80106c013e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[28183FA3-6A50-3611-BC20-A0717B657AAC]@0xffffff7f93a1a000->0xffffff7f93a5cfff

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Thu Jun 18 20:49:00 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 1D3A0F3D-D908-397B-BD16-8F48C0823A2E
Kernel slide: 0x0000000010400000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8010600000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8010500000
System model name: MacBookPro14,1 (Mac-B4831CEBD52A0C4C)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 882642491643
last loaded kext at 6517685684: >AudioAUUC 1.70 (addr 0xffffff7f93d82000, size 32768)
last unloaded kext at 184030676581: >usb.!UHostPacketFilter 1.0 (addr 0xffffff7f91e49000, size 24576)
loaded kexts:
>AudioAUUC 1.70
@fileutil 20.036.15
>!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0
>AGPM 111.4.4
>X86PlatformShim 1.0.0
@filesystems.autofs 3.0
>!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8
>!AHDA 283.15
>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 5.2.6
@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 5.2.6
>!AHV 1
|IOUserEthernet 1.0.1
|IO!BSerialManager 7.0.6f7
>pmtelemetry 1
@Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0
>!A!IKBLGraphics 14.0.7
>!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0
>eficheck 1
>!ABacklight 180.3
>!AMCCSControl 1.14
>!A!IKBLGraphicsFramebuffer 14.0.7
>!AThunderboltIP 3.1.4
>!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1
>!ACameraInterface 7.6.0
@filesystems.apfs 1412.141.1
>!AVirtIO 1.0
@filesystems.hfs.kext 522.100.5
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1
@BootCache 40
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0
>!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 3430.1
>AirPort.BrcmNIC 1400.1.1
@private.KextAudit 1.0
>!ASmartBatteryManager 161.0.0
>!AACPIButtons 6.1
>!ARTC 2.0
>!AAPIC 1.7
$!AImage4 1
@nke.applicationfirewall 303
$TMSafetyNet 8
@!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0
|EndpointSecurity 1
@kext.triggers 1.0
>DspFuncLib 283.15
@kext.OSvKernDSPLib 529
>!AGraphicsControl 5.2.6
|IOAVB!F 850.1
@!AGPUWrangler 5.2.6
|IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0
>X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0
|IO!BHost!CUARTTransport 7.0.6f7
|IO!BHost!CTransport 7.0.6f7
>!AHDA!C 283.15
|IOHDA!F 283.15
>!ABacklightExpert 1.1.0
>!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1
@!AGraphicsDeviceControl 5.2.6
|IOAccelerator!F2 438.7.3
>!A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60
>!AOnboardSerial 1.0
>IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8
|IONDRVSupport 576.1
|IOGraphics!F 576.1
@plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 840.3
|IOEthernetAVB!C 1.1.0
|IOAudio!F 300.2
@vecLib.kext 1.2.0
|IOSerial!F 11
|IOSurface 269.11
@filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1
>!AActuatorDriver 3440.1
>!AHIDKeyboard 209
>!AHS!BDriver 3430.1
>IO!BHIDDriver 7.0.6f7
|IO!B!F 7.0.6f7
|IO!BPacketLogger 7.0.6f7
>!AMultitouchDriver 3440.1
>!AInputDeviceSupport 3440.8
>!AHSSPIHIDDriver 59
>!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 6.2.6
>!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 6.2.6
>!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 2.5.4
>!AHPM 3.4.4
>!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60
>!AHSSPISupport 59
>!AThunderboltNHI 5.8.6
|IOThunderbolt!F 7.6.1
|IO80211!F 1200.12.2b1
>mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8
>corecapture 1.0.4
|IOSkywalk!F 1
>!A!ILpssSpi!C 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60
|IONVMe!F 2.1.0
>!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssGspi 3.0.60
>usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2
>usb.!UXHCI 1.2
|IOUSB!F 900.4.2
>!AEFIRuntime 2.1
|IOSMBus!F 1.1
|IOHID!F 2.0.0
$quarantine 4
$sandbox 300.0
@Kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1
>DiskImages 493.0.0
>!AFDEKeyStore 28.30
>!AEffaceable!S 1.0
>!ASSE 1.0
>!AKeyStore 2
>!UTDM 489.120.1
|IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 422.120.3
>!ACredentialManager 1.0
>KernelRelayHost 1
>!ASEPManager 1.0.1
>IOSlaveProcessor 1
|IOUSBMass!SDriver 157.140.1
|IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 422.120.3
|IO!S!F 2.1
|IOUSBHost!F 1.2
>!UHostMergeProperties 1.2
>usb.!UCommon 1.0
>!ABusPower!C 1.0
|CoreAnalytics!F 1
>!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5
@kext.CoreTrust 1
|IOTimeSync!F 840.3
|IONetworking!F 3.4
|IOReport!F 47
>!AACPIPlatform 6.1
>!ASMC 3.1.9
>watchdog 1
|IOPCI!F 2.9
@kec.pthread 1
@kec.corecrypto 1.0
@kec.Libm 1
I assume you are using the original Apple SSD?

It could still kernel panic even when booting from an external drive unless you remove the internal drive and then boot from an external.
I'm running on a stock laptop, no custom or replacement parts. On 10.15.6.. MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports). Had two crashes today. Hopefully this is addressed in the pending MacOS update!
I assume you are using the original Apple SSD?

It could still kernel panic even when booting from an external drive unless you remove the internal drive and then boot from an external.

I decided to open up the laptop, remove the ssd and boot from the external drive to know for sure if it is an issue with the SSD as you suggested. When I opened the laptop, there was what looked like strawberry jam or a sticky substance of some sort on some of the connectors on the logic board and all over the battery. I cleaned it up and booted back up without removing the ssd. The issue appeared to have disappeared and the laptop was running fine on battery power, goes to sleep, wakes up and boots up ok. However, the Kernel Panic started happening again but only when the processor was under a heavy load. I then removed the ssd and booted from the external drive. I stress tested the laptop but could not get it to kernel panic. I was about to buy a replacement ssd but decided to reset the NVRAM and the SMC just in case. I did some stress tests but so far have not gotten any kernel panics. Looks like it might have done the trick.
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Reactions: Audit13
Hi All,

I am getting persistent NVMe Kernel Panics on a 13" 2017 MacBook Pro Non Touch Bar a1708. Please see below the full Kernel Panic report. The Kernel Panics happen only when the laptop is on battery power and only when the charge goes below 70%. The issue doesn't happen when it's plugged in or over 70% charged.

I am running the latest version of Catalina (10.15.6) and have done a clean re-install of the operating system many times so I don't think it is a software issue. Panics also happen when running in safe mode. I have also reset the SCM multiple times but no luck.

The report suggest to me that it might be an issue with the SSD. I have booted the OS from an external drive but the kernel panics still appear which makes me think it might not be the SSD after all. The fact that the issue only happens when on battery power leads me to think that it might be a bad battery even though it only has 136 cycles and the condition is normal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f93a3d231): nvme: "Fatal error occurred. ID=0xffffffff ARG1=0xffffffff ARG2=0xffffffff ARG3=0xffffffff EDD0=0xffffffff EDD1=0xffffffff EDD2=0xffffffff EDD3=0xffffffff EDD4=0xffffffff EDD5=0xffffffff EDD6=0xffffffff EDD7=0xffffffff NANDV=0x1, DRAMV=0x2, SSDC=128GB. FW Revision=16.14.01\n"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff91550eb9e0 : 0xffffff801071a65d
0xffffff91550eba30 : 0xffffff8010854a75
0xffffff91550eba70 : 0xffffff80108465fe
0xffffff91550ebac0 : 0xffffff80106c0a40
0xffffff91550ebae0 : 0xffffff8010719d27
0xffffff91550ebbe0 : 0xffffff801071a117
0xffffff91550ebc30 : 0xffffff8010ec1abc
0xffffff91550ebca0 : 0xffffff7f93a3d231
0xffffff91550ebcc0 : 0xffffff7f93a28362
0xffffff91550ebe20 : 0xffffff8010e32329
0xffffff91550ebe90 : 0xffffff8010e32249
0xffffff91550ebec0 : 0xffffff801075c605
0xffffff91550ebf40 : 0xffffff801075c131
0xffffff91550ebfa0 : 0xffffff80106c013e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[28183FA3-6A50-3611-BC20-A0717B657AAC]@0xffffff7f93a1a000->0xffffff7f93a5cfff

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Thu Jun 18 20:49:00 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 1D3A0F3D-D908-397B-BD16-8F48C0823A2E
Kernel slide: 0x0000000010400000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8010600000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8010500000
System model name: MacBookPro14,1 (Mac-B4831CEBD52A0C4C)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 882642491643
last loaded kext at 6517685684: >AudioAUUC 1.70 (addr 0xffffff7f93d82000, size 32768)
last unloaded kext at 184030676581: >usb.!UHostPacketFilter 1.0 (addr 0xffffff7f91e49000, size 24576)
loaded kexts:
>AudioAUUC 1.70
@fileutil 20.036.15
>!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0
>AGPM 111.4.4
>X86PlatformShim 1.0.0
@filesystems.autofs 3.0
>!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8
>!AHDA 283.15
>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 5.2.6
@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 5.2.6
>!AHV 1
|IOUserEthernet 1.0.1
|IO!BSerialManager 7.0.6f7
>pmtelemetry 1
@Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0
>!A!IKBLGraphics 14.0.7
>!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0
>eficheck 1
>!ABacklight 180.3
>!AMCCSControl 1.14
>!A!IKBLGraphicsFramebuffer 14.0.7
>!AThunderboltIP 3.1.4
>!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1
>!ACameraInterface 7.6.0
@filesystems.apfs 1412.141.1
>!AVirtIO 1.0
@filesystems.hfs.kext 522.100.5
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1
@BootCache 40
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0
>!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 3430.1
>AirPort.BrcmNIC 1400.1.1
@private.KextAudit 1.0
>!ASmartBatteryManager 161.0.0
>!AACPIButtons 6.1
>!ARTC 2.0
>!AAPIC 1.7
$!AImage4 1
@nke.applicationfirewall 303
$TMSafetyNet 8
@!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0
|EndpointSecurity 1
@kext.triggers 1.0
>DspFuncLib 283.15
@kext.OSvKernDSPLib 529
>!AGraphicsControl 5.2.6
|IOAVB!F 850.1
@!AGPUWrangler 5.2.6
|IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0
>X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0
|IO!BHost!CUARTTransport 7.0.6f7
|IO!BHost!CTransport 7.0.6f7
>!AHDA!C 283.15
|IOHDA!F 283.15
>!ABacklightExpert 1.1.0
>!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1
@!AGraphicsDeviceControl 5.2.6
|IOAccelerator!F2 438.7.3
>!A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60
>!AOnboardSerial 1.0
>IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8
|IONDRVSupport 576.1
|IOGraphics!F 576.1
@plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 840.3
|IOEthernetAVB!C 1.1.0
|IOAudio!F 300.2
@vecLib.kext 1.2.0
|IOSerial!F 11
|IOSurface 269.11
@filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1
>!AActuatorDriver 3440.1
>!AHIDKeyboard 209
>!AHS!BDriver 3430.1
>IO!BHIDDriver 7.0.6f7
|IO!B!F 7.0.6f7
|IO!BPacketLogger 7.0.6f7
>!AMultitouchDriver 3440.1
>!AInputDeviceSupport 3440.8
>!AHSSPIHIDDriver 59
>!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 6.2.6
>!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 6.2.6
>!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 2.5.4
>!AHPM 3.4.4
>!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60
>!AHSSPISupport 59
>!AThunderboltNHI 5.8.6
|IOThunderbolt!F 7.6.1
|IO80211!F 1200.12.2b1
>mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8
>corecapture 1.0.4
|IOSkywalk!F 1
>!A!ILpssSpi!C 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60
|IONVMe!F 2.1.0
>!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssGspi 3.0.60
>usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2
>usb.!UXHCI 1.2
|IOUSB!F 900.4.2
>!AEFIRuntime 2.1
|IOSMBus!F 1.1
|IOHID!F 2.0.0
$quarantine 4
$sandbox 300.0
@Kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1
>DiskImages 493.0.0
>!AFDEKeyStore 28.30
>!AEffaceable!S 1.0
>!ASSE 1.0
>!AKeyStore 2
>!UTDM 489.120.1
|IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 422.120.3
>!ACredentialManager 1.0
>KernelRelayHost 1
>!ASEPManager 1.0.1
>IOSlaveProcessor 1
|IOUSBMass!SDriver 157.140.1
|IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 422.120.3
|IO!S!F 2.1
|IOUSBHost!F 1.2
>!UHostMergeProperties 1.2
>usb.!UCommon 1.0
>!ABusPower!C 1.0
|CoreAnalytics!F 1
>!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5
@kext.CoreTrust 1
|IOTimeSync!F 840.3
|IONetworking!F 3.4
|IOReport!F 47
>!AACPIPlatform 6.1
>!ASMC 3.1.9
>watchdog 1
|IOPCI!F 2.9
@kec.pthread 1
@kec.corecrypto 1.0
@kec.Libm 1
I have exactly the same model and year MacBook. Wake from sleep issues especially when the battery lowers, usually a flashing folder icon but sometimes other visual displays.

The issue started around the first covid lockdown. Apple store keeps telling me to install Movaje and blame it on the logic board. Mine is ineligible for the SSD replacement for some reason. But I've now found out that the SSD is removable or replaceable.

When you replaced the SSD was it the solution?

I now hate this laptop hundreds of hours lots on rebooting, reinstalling and troubleshooting. If I can buy a new SSD and move on I'll be happy.
Hi all,

May I know anyone can confirm this is the SSD issue. I have exact same problem and bothering me too much. Wake from sleep panic, then now, I can restart or shutdown my MacBook Pro 2017. I have to press the power button for force shutdown when I am restarting or shutting down the laptop. It is annoying. Mine has the original Apple SSD. If confirm it is the SSD problem, I will buy a new SSD and adapter to change it.

Thanks a million.
Hi all,

May I know anyone can confirm this is the SSD issue. I have exact same problem and bothering me too much. Wake from sleep panic, then now, I can restart or shutdown my MacBook Pro 2017. I have to press the power button for force shutdown when I am restarting or shutting down the laptop. It is annoying. Mine has the original Apple SSD. If confirm it is the SSD problem, I will buy a new SSD and adapter to change it.

Thanks a million.
Here's what I would do:

1) create a Time Machine backup;

2) update to the latest OS to ensure that the MacBook is running the latest bootrom;

3) perform an SMC and NVRam reset;

4) restore the TM backup and see if the MacBook still panics.
Thanks, Audit13,

I think I have done what you mentioned except restoring the backup. My data are all in the cloud. I have tried so far reinstalling Big Sur, reinstall Mojave then upgrade to Big Sur. Still the same problem. If the battery level is around 80-100%, I have no problem booting it up except shutdown and reboot. If the battery level is low, I will get folder with question mark icon when booting up. then I have to plug in power and force it shut down with long press of the power button.

I saw quite a lot of similar issues on the Internet with no real solution. Starting thinking it could be a hardware issue. I will borrow a ssd somewhere and try to replace it. Hopefully, it is just the ssd issue not a mobo problem.
  • Like
Reactions: Audit13
I had a similar problem. Kernel Panics occurred randomly when waking up from sleep. I brought it to Apple Service, and they said it was necessary to reinstall the system. I guess they did some firmware update alongside the reinstall, because I tried it and it didn't work.
Had similar issues, battery needed servicing. So replaced battery but no avail.

Have original SSD, did SSD replacement solved the issue ?

Already performed multiple OS install but none work. Symptoms are same, in power it works, but in battery that folder icon.

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff802260185e): nvme: "AppleS3XController. PCI link down. Write. ID=0xffffffff ARG1=0xffffffff ARG2=0xffffffff ARG3=0xffffffff EDD0=0xffffffff EDD1=0xffffffff EDD2=0xffffffff EDD3=0xffffffff EDD4=0xffffffff EDD5=0xffffffff EDD6=0xffffffff EDD7=0xffffffff NANDV=0x2, DRAMV=0x1, SSDC=256G.\n" @IONVMeController.cpp:6147
Panicked task 0xffffffa5998868b8: 172 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Backtrace (CPU 0), panicked thread: 0xffffffa0ccfe1598, Frame : Return Address
0xfffffff421153aa0 : 0xffffff801fe6f4fd
0xfffffff421153af0 : 0xffffff801ffc3c54
0xfffffff421153b30 : 0xffffff801ffb36d9
0xfffffff421153b90 : 0xffffff801fe0f951
0xfffffff421153bb0 : 0xffffff801fe6f7dd
0xfffffff421153ca0 : 0xffffff801fe6ee87
0xfffffff421153d00 : 0xffffff80205dceab
0xfffffff421153df0 : 0xffffff802260185e
0xfffffff421153e20 : 0xffffff802051c466
0xfffffff421153e70 : 0xffffff802051c376
0xfffffff421153ea0 : 0xffffff801fec5958
0xfffffff421153ee0 : 0xffffff801fec6a08
0xfffffff421153fa0 : 0xffffff801fe0f19e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[54A1C402-2099-332C-B960-FF81C8B25619]@0xffffff80225f9000->0xffffff8022625fff

Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffffa0ccfe1598): kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Mon Apr 24 20:51:50 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.2~5/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 7E997BC9-2104-3D4D-9AAE-17BD7A3FEC2D
roots installed: 0
KernelCache slide: 0x000000001fa00000
KernelCache base: 0xffffff801fc00000
Kernel slide: 0x000000001fadc000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801fcdc000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff801fb00000
System model name: MacBookPro14,1 (Mac-B4831CEBD52A0C4C)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 2413286945345
Last Sleep: absolute base_tsc base_nano
Uptime : 0x00000231e31c78de
Sleep : 0x00000214f1d1eb8d 0x000000031a3efedc 0x0000000000000000
Wake : 0x00000214ffa1c7c3 0x000004ea63239ac8 0x00000214fd0a3215
Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Zone info:
Zone map: 0xffffff90cc0e6000 - 0xffffffb0cc0e6000
. PGZ : 0xffffff90cc0e6000 - 0xffffff90ce0e7000
. VM : 0xffffff90ce0e7000 - 0xffffff959a8e6000
. RO : 0xffffff959a8e6000 - 0xffffff97340e6000
. GEN0 : 0xffffff97340e6000 - 0xffffff9c008e6000
. GEN1 : 0xffffff9c008e6000 - 0xffffffa0cd0e6000
. GEN2 : 0xffffffa0cd0e6000 - 0xffffffa5998e6000
. GEN3 : 0xffffffa5998e6000 - 0xffffffaa660e6000
. DATA : 0xffffffaa660e6000 - 0xffffffb0cc0e6000
Metadata: 0xffffffea20643000 - 0xffffffea40643000
Bitmaps : 0xffffffea40643000 - 0xffffffea43643000
Extra : 0 - 0

last started kext at 10836194192: >AudioAUUC 1.70 (addr 0xffffff7fb53d2000, size 12288)
last stopped kext at 1537109717680: >!AThunderboltEDMSink 5.0.3 (addr 0xffffff7fb52e2000, size 32768)
loaded kexts:
>AudioAUUC 1.70
>X86PlatformShim 1.0.0
>AGPM 131
>!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0
@filesystems.autofs 3.0
>!AHDA 440.2
>!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.9
>!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1
>eficheck 1
>!ACameraInterface 7.13.0
>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 7.1.18
@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 7.1.18
>!A!IKBLGraphics 20.0.6
>pmtelemetry 1
@filesystems.nfs 1
|IOUserEthernet 1.0.1
>usb.!UUserHCI 1
>!AHV 1
>!ADiskImages2 198.100.13
>!ABacklight 180.8
>!AMCCSControl 1.16
>!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0
>!A!IKBLGraphicsFramebuffer 20.0.6
>!AThunderboltIP 4.0.3
>!AFileSystemDriver 3.0.1
@filesystems.tmpfs 1
@filesystems.lifs 1
@filesystems.apfs 2142.120.7
@filesystems.hfs.kext 627.100.6
@BootCache 40
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1
>!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 6440.7
>AirPort.BrcmNIC 1400.1.1
@private.KextAudit 1.0
>!ASmartBatteryManager 161.0.0
>!AACPIButtons 6.1
>!ARTC 2.0.1
>!AAPIC 1.7
$!AUserConsent 1
@!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0
@nke.applicationfirewall 403
|IOKitRegistryCompatibility 1
|EndpointSecurity 1
@Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0
@kec.Compression 1
@kec.!AEncryptedArchive 1
>DspFuncLib 440.2
@kext.OSvKernDSPLib 530
>!AHDA!C 440.2
|IOHDA!F 440.2
|IOAudio!F 440.2
@vecLib.kext 1.2.0
>!AGraphicsControl 7.1.18
>!A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60
>!AOnboardSerial 1.0
@kext.triggers 1.0
>IOHIDPowerSource 1
>!ACallbackPowerSource 1
|IO!BSerialManager 9.0.0
|IO!BPacketLogger 9.0.0
|IO!BHost!CUSBTransport 9.0.0
|IO!BHost!CUARTTransport 9.0.0
|IO!BHost!CTransport 9.0.0
>IO!BHost!CPCIeTransport 9.0.0
|IOAVB!F 1140.6
|CSR!BHost!CUSBTransport 9.0.0
|Broadcom!BHost!CUSBTransport 9.0.0
|Broadcom!B20703USBTransport 9.0.0
>!ARSMChannel 1
>!AIPAppender 1.0
>!ABacklightExpert 1.1.0
|IONDRVSupport 597
>!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1
@plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 1150.2
@!AGPUWrangler 7.1.18
|IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0
>X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0
>IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8
|IOAccelerator!F2 475.40.6
@!AGraphicsDeviceControl 7.1.18
|IOGraphics!F 597
>!AThunderboltDPOutAdapter 8.5.1
>driverkit.serial 6.0.0
|IOSerial!F 11
>!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 4.1.1
>!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 8.5.1
>!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 8.5.1
>!AHPM 3.4.4
>!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60
>!AXsanScheme 3
>!ABSDKextStarter 3
|IOSurface 336.50.1
@filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1
>!ASyntheticGame!C 10.6.3
>!AActuatorDriver 6440.7
>!AHIDKeyboard 231
>!AMultitouchDriver 6440.7
>!AInputDeviceSupport 6440.8
>!AHS!BDriver 6440.7
>IO!BHIDDriver 9.0.0
>!AHSSPIHIDDriver 63
>!AThunderboltNHI 7.2.81
|IOThunderbolt!F 9.3.3
>!AHSSPISupport 63
|IO80211!FLegacy 1200.12.2b1
>corecapture 1.0.4
|IONVMe!F 2.1.0
>!A!ILpssSpi!C 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60
>usb.!UHostPacketFilter 1.0
|IOUSB!F 900.4.2
>!A!ILpssGspi 3.0.60
>usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2
>usb.!UXHCI 1.2
>!AEFIRuntime 2.1
|IOSMBus!F 1.1
|IOHID!F 2.0.0
|IOTimeSync!F 1150.2
|IOSkywalk!F 1.0
>mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8
|IONetworking!F 3.4
>DiskImages 493.0.0
|IO!B!F 9.0.0
|IOReport!F 47
$quarantine 4
$sandbox 300.0
@Kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1
>!ASSE 1.0
>!AKeyStore 2
>!UTDM 554
|IOUSBMass!SDriver 235.100.2
|IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 482.120.2
|IO!S!F 2.1
|IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 482.120.2
>!AFDEKeyStore 28.30
>!AEffaceable!S 1.0
>!ACyrus 1
>!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5
$!AImage4 5.0.0
@kext.CoreTrust 1
>!ACredentialManager 1.0
|CoreAnalytics!F 1
>KernelRelayHost 1
|IOUSBHost!F 1.2
>!UHostMergeProperties 1.2
>usb.!UCommon 1.0
>!ABusPower!C 1.0
>!ASEPManager 1.0.1
>IOSlaveProcessor 1
>!AACPIPlatform 6.1
>!ASMC 3.1.9
|IOPCI!F 2.9
>watchdog 1
@kec.pthread 1
@kec.Libm 1
@kec.corecrypto 12.0
Many people with same issue... Can anyone confirm a solution or at least confirm that its not the SSD?

I decided to open up the laptop, remove the ssd and boot from the external drive to know for sure if it is an issue with the SSD as you suggested. When I opened the laptop, there was what looked like strawberry jam or a sticky substance of some sort on some of the connectors on the logic board and all over the battery. I cleaned it up and booted back up without removing the ssd. The issue appeared to have disappeared and the laptop was running fine on battery power, goes to sleep, wakes up and boots up ok. However, the Kernel Panic started happening again but only when the processor was under a heavy load. I then removed the ssd and booted from the external drive. I stress tested the laptop but could not get it to kernel panic. I was about to buy a replacement ssd but decided to reset the NVRAM and the SMC just in case. I did some stress tests but so far have not gotten any kernel panics. Looks like it might have done the trick.
Did the issue come back again?
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