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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 8, 2011
Pinterest is great, and so is the private Dropmark service (free, but $48/yr for folders, tags, comments, annotations), but I'd like to create a personal Pinterest on my Mac if possible, in part because I don't like how services like Pinterest track browsing habits via extensions and 'Pin It!' icons on sites. (I block those, along with Facebook etc).

Are there any good Mac apps with solid databases that essentially replicate the Pinterest experience, with visual clippings, folders, notes, search and an easy way to

  • clip text/images from the clipboard
  • clip selected text from a site
  • bookmark a page using a thumbnail-ish screenshot of that page when saved?
So far I haven't found anything besides cobbling together a facsimile using DEVONthink Pro (which I own), but I'm not crazy about how it works/looks. Anything else to consider?
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