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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 19, 2004
I have a static IP address and a netgearDG814 router and a lan in the house of some 4-6 computers. I have set up personal web sharing and it works fine on the lan but not with personal web sharing, I have searched around and seem to be setting it up correctly, then find out that there is something called NAT which should/shouldn't be switched on/off so as to allow the port forwarding to work correctly.

If anyone has any advice or has encountered a similar problem, please could you help me?

thank you


PS: using a G4 733 with superdrive (original) 1gig RAM etc. OS 10.3.4, all software updates done recently.
Need some more info to help you out.

Are you using DHCP from the router to assign IP's to the computers on your network? If you are then you'll need to do a couple things to get web sharign working reliably.

(You can check to see if you have dhcp by looking in network settings for your machines ip, if it's 192.168.0.x or something similar than you probably have dhcp on)

1 - On the computer with web sharing, go to network and set it as DHCP with a manual ip and give it an ip from your network that is not in use. it will now always use this same ip on the network. An even more reliable way to do this on newer routers is to log into the router control panel and assign a specific local ip to that computers MAC address. You should be able to do that on your model router.

2 - Log into your router and forward port 80 requests to the ip of the machine with web sharing.

3 -check to make sure it works by using another machine on your network. Open your browser and type in the local ip and /~yourUsername and see if you get to the machine.

4 - if you're ISP does not block port 80 requests (most do, and there are ways around this) you can also get to your web server remotely by using the WAN IP of the router (this is not the same as your local ip).
Funny you ask this now because I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong too. On my PB I have personal web sharing turned on and I'm using DHCP. I went into my router config and enabled port 80 forwarding to my machine. Then I used my WAN ip to connect. Everything worked fine at home when I tried it from my PB and also from a Windows machine. But now where I'm at I can't connect, it's like I'm hitting a brick wall. I tried to ping my WAN ip and didn't get any results. I just called and had someone check it a minute ago and things look fine. Even had them turn off the firewall and still no go.

So it looks like from inside the network you can connect via the WAN ip but outside traffic is not getting through. I would like to figure out what's going on too.
Thirteenva said:
Need some more info to help you out.

Are you using DHCP from the router to assign IP's to the computers on your network? If you are then you'll need to do a couple things to get web sharign working reliably.

(You can check to see if you have dhcp by looking in network settings for your machines ip, if it's 192.168.0.x or something similar than you probably have dhcp on)

1 - On the computer with web sharing, go to network and set it as DHCP with a manual ip and give it an ip from your network that is not in use. it will now always use this same ip on the network. An even more reliable way to do this on newer routers is to log into the router control panel and assign a specific local ip to that computers MAC address. You should be able to do that on your model router.

Yes, it is on DHCP and manual IP address of, however can't find the specifying of IP address based on MAC address

2 - Log into your router and forward port 80 requests to the ip of the machine with web sharing.

Done this too

3 -check to make sure it works by using another machine on your network. Open your browser and type in the local ip and /~yourUsername and see if you get to the machine.

[BAnd this... it works on the local IP[/B]

4 - if you're ISP does not block port 80 requests (most do, and there are ways around this) you can also get to your web server remotely by using the WAN IP of the router (this is not the same as your local ip).

Aah, this could be it, I have the WAN IP too but really can't get it all to come together and work!

crees! said:
Funny you ask this now because I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong too. On my PB I have personal web sharing turned on and I'm using DHCP. I went into my router config and enabled port 80 forwarding to my machine. Then I used my WAN ip to connect. Everything worked fine at home when I tried it from my PB and also from a Windows machine. But now where I'm at I can't connect, it's like I'm hitting a brick wall. I tried to ping my WAN ip and didn't get any results. I just called and had someone check it a minute ago and things look fine. Even had them turn off the firewall and still no go.

So it looks like from inside the network you can connect via the WAN ip but outside traffic is not getting through. I would like to figure out what's going on too.

Most IP's block you from running a web server on port 80. That is your issue.
zxcvbnm said:
Aah, this could be it, I have the WAN IP too but really can't get it all to come together and work!

Yup thats what it sounds like to me, you're being blocked by your isp. If you google your problem you can find a multitude of solutions such as changing the listening port of the server(you'll have to change your port forwarding also then). To change the port apache listens on you need to edit the httpd.config file.

You can then access the server like this with xx being the port number so using port 8080 would be

You can get more info on this at or by googling.
Thirteenva said:
Most IP's block you from running a web server on port 80. That is your issue.

Figures. You said you know of a workaround. Do you have a link or terms I can google for? Or if you'd like to spell it all out here that's cool too ;)

Thanks \m/
Thirteenva said:
Yup thats what it sounds like to me, you're being blocked by your isp. If you google your problem you can find a multitude of solutions such as changing the listening port of the server(you'll have to change your port forwarding also then). To change the port apache listens on you need to edit the httpd.config file.

You can then access the server like this with xx being the port number so using port 8080 would be

You can get more info on this at or by googling.

Right ok, slight change now, installed OS X 10.1 server so that I could change the port number, and it was broadcasting the web thing on port 2020, no sign of it after re-applying port forwarding. Any clues now?

Seems like it is doomed to fail
Seems like it was working all along... I just couldn't access the global IP internally, phone up my dad and got him to check if it was working and it was.

Thanks for all the advice anyway though!

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