So I know this guy who I told to jailbreak his phone (I did mine myself) and he ultimately screwed it up .. this is what he tells me he did, what's needed to get it working again?
i had to use a program called ziphone to get the jailbreak. So i installed the program and then tried to apply the jailbreak to my phone. I did what it asked me and when the program was finished( took about 1 min) i saw a Z icon on my screen. Now i thought this was suppose to be the end of it but when i clicked on the icon it forwarded me to another site. I read the page and it said that i had to click on cydia and find winterboard in order to customize my phone. This is the site After getting frustrated because my cydia did not have winterboarding, i went on line to find another way to get it. After countless hours with no success finding winterboard, i had the great idea of updating my phone thinking that would allow me to find winterboard in cydia. Then Presto no more phone. so i went back to ziphone to try and unlock the phone but its frozen in the connecting stage.