iphone 6, Sprint.
Not really a question, just venting a bit. Lately about 75% of my calls and texts never alert [and no, the silencer slide switch is not on]. Often I'll just go to check the time and find I have a bunch of missed calls and texts, never alerted.
I tried calling myself, sometimes it goes straight to voicemail, other times it will ring. Had a friend try while I was there, same thing.
More than just annoying, I'm involved in a large construction project right now and am on short call, I almost missed the chance for a weekend of work making well over $1,000, caught my BA just as he was about to call someone else, and I had the damn phone on my hip the whole time, never peeped and were it not for me checking the time and see I missed a call I would have been screwed.
Don't know if its a sprint issue or the phone, haven't called sprint yet. In over 12 years with them and half a dozen phones, this has never happened. The calls are going through, just not alerting so it seems to me might be a phone issue. Just odd how sometimes they go through, most times they don't.
Tried it just now, 1st call went straight to voicemail, 2nd one went through.
Not really a question, just venting a bit. Lately about 75% of my calls and texts never alert [and no, the silencer slide switch is not on]. Often I'll just go to check the time and find I have a bunch of missed calls and texts, never alerted.
I tried calling myself, sometimes it goes straight to voicemail, other times it will ring. Had a friend try while I was there, same thing.
More than just annoying, I'm involved in a large construction project right now and am on short call, I almost missed the chance for a weekend of work making well over $1,000, caught my BA just as he was about to call someone else, and I had the damn phone on my hip the whole time, never peeped and were it not for me checking the time and see I missed a call I would have been screwed.
Don't know if its a sprint issue or the phone, haven't called sprint yet. In over 12 years with them and half a dozen phones, this has never happened. The calls are going through, just not alerting so it seems to me might be a phone issue. Just odd how sometimes they go through, most times they don't.
Tried it just now, 1st call went straight to voicemail, 2nd one went through.