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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 29, 2008
the parched earth of North Texas

If I'm not mistaken my iPhone has just started shutting off (and in turn stops streaming) while listening to Wunder Radio. I'm pretty sure this behavior has just started. This is while listening on battery power.

Can anyone confirm or deny this behavior?
After how long? Just want to know how long I'll have to wait.....haven't used WunderRadio lately (just got a Slacker account and using that a lot).
update...just happened to me after about 50 minutes of straight streaming a local radio station. At about 48 minutes, the stream stopped then restarted (after waking the iPhone up from sleep), seemed like WR was buffering. After 2 more minutes the stream stopped again and WunderRadio quit or more appropriately appeared to crash (return to SpringBoard).
I like WunderRadio and use it almost daily on my commute, but it is rife with issues that the lone developer seems uninterested in fixing. There's a bug which causes the buffering to bounce from 99 to 100 and back constantly without delivering an audio stream. That's been present forever and the dev still hasn't fixed it.
Hey all. Just for some clarification....

What happening is when my phone's screen shuts off the audio stops. I could swear the audio used to keep playing when the screen shut off.....

Update while typing......

Sure enough it's working now. I might have re-springboarded last night night and that might have fixed the issue.

But as I started typing this reply I started WR and started streaming my favorite station, the screen shut off and the audio kept going. Must have been an issue with the phone.

Just glad to know I'm not "that" crazy.

Maybe a coincidence, but WunderRadio had an update today. Long list of 'fixes', several of which could have contributed to this.

Haven't tested the update yet.....
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