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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 14, 2006
I really enjoy photography but haven't been doing it for very long and thus I'm VERY much an amateur. I've posted a gallery of some of my images, and was wondering if I could get some tips. Please don't post comments like "they all sucked" however... a comment like
"they all sucked and this is why:
Is more then welcome.

Thanks in advance for the advice.

-AppleIntelRock (AIR)



macrumors 65816
Oct 7, 2007
i think it is good, better than m, i have to photoshop most my pictures to make them better.:apple:


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 14, 2006
I'm aware my compisition needs improvement... can I get some examples? I think maybe a class on photography would help.


macrumors 6502
Aug 8, 2006
My suggestion is tone down on the slanting. That doesn't make a mediocre picture a work of art.


macrumors 68000
Feb 12, 2005
Caracas, Venezuela
I liked number 12 (the lamp post), although it's the same as number 22. :)

Many of the other pics are focused on textures, something I don't particularly like and as such I'm pretty biased towards not liking them. (it's like I have my mind made up from the start). So I'm not sure I'd have constructive comments, since I don't take any of them myself.

Number 5 would have benefited immensely from having more sky in the pic. Placing the horizon on the "top third" would have made the composition much more pleasing. (read the rules of thirds link ;))

Number 1 has some pros and cons. The idea is great, but the disposition of the haystacks is totally random and is a little distracting. Be aware that I love patterns, particularly natural ones, so I prefer things with a certain order. Also, I would have found it more pleasing if it had less DOF, making the haystacks in the back fade into/blend with the background. I would have cropped out the road in the front and back as well. It makes an unnatural frame.

Finally, number 11 is a great pic, but it needs a bit more "punch". Raising the contrast a bit would help in post processing, but you can use a polarizer next time you take some beach pics and see if you like the effect. The saturation and contrast is great.

One thing I noticed in your shots: most of them were taken at eye-level. To get interesting effects, don't be afraid to crouch, stand on tip-toes, kneel, lie flat on your stomach, etc. It's the difference between a boring snapshot like this and a keeper like this.

Keep in mind that these are all my own opinions, based on my experience with photography and particular subjects and scenes.

Keep up the good work, and practice all you can! You're doing great. :)


macrumors regular
Jun 1, 2006
The one thing that stuck out when I was looking at your photos was that many of them shared the same perspective, with you shooting downwards at an angle to the subject. While there are shots where this does work, I think you will find that you can introduce a lot more variety and discover more compelling compositions once you start moving around to get that perspective that people don't normally see or that isn't so obvious. Next time instead of standing next to your subject and just taking the shot, try to position yourself in such a way that would create a fresh and different view of the subject. For example, many of your shots consist of object near ground level... instead of shooting down at it, get down on the ground and shoot it straight on... or get even further down and shoot up at it... you get the idea. I find in general, a lot of really nice photos are great not necessarily because of anything technical, but rather they provide a point of view that's atypical and not representative of how one would see it normally. Yes, you might look a little foolish laying down on the ground to shoot something, but ultimately that can make all the difference in the world when it comes to the final product.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 14, 2006
These comments are helping me a lot! I really appreciate you guys taking the time to write these in-depth posts with such helpful information! Every negative remark is backed up with reasons and ways I can do better next time, which is about as good as it gets. Again thanks a lot!
Also: I'm going the the Channel Islands off the coast of California next weekend and it's one of the most beautiful places on earth... I'll defiantly take about 1,000 pictures and make sure to get some interesting angles and watch out for the rule of thirds. It'll be nice to see my pictures after all these comments.

thanks again,



macrumors 6502
Sep 11, 2007
Amsterdam, NY
Many of the photos are "pattern" shots with little center of interest. I agree with the others about the angled shots, which seem to be a fad (and a bad one) in photography right now. Stick with vertical or horizontal. Find your mind's focus and center in on it. Make your photos a reflection of who you are. Get up close and personal with your subject. Put some people, animals or other living things in your photos.


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
7 is nice. While everyone and his uncle with an SLR has taken that kind of shot, the light trails actually look nice. 12 is also a nice, simple composition with good color. Everything else seems to either be a sign, a slanted architectural pattern, or a random patch of ground on a beach. I think you good photos work because you're pushing your comfort zone. Most creative photographic experiments give some positive result or another.
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