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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 24, 2004
Finally I have arrived.....
I thought I would never have this issue prior to getting into the digital photography. I began to feel my iBook is not really that ideal for editing on the go. I have 2 AL PBs at home connected to ACDs. So, at home, I can have a nice and clear view of the photos and graphics works. But, on the road, I take my iBook (as it is cheaper than others and I don't have to worry too much about getting damaged). With my Canon 30D, I can take very detailed, high resolution pictures and I started feeling iBook's screen is not big enough for taking good look at the pictures (I think my 12" PB would be the same without the ACD).

Do you (as a digital photographer) take your iBook (or MacBook for that matter) on the go? Or, do you take larger notebook computer instead (such as 15" or 17" PB or MBP)? I am curious to know how the other people are managing for the on-the-go photo editing.


macrumors regular
Aug 22, 2005
New Jersey
Yeah Im trying to save up for a Macbook being that whenever im out going on some photo shoot at random when the moment arises I would love a laptop to be able to empty out my cards on and sort through the pictures to see if there good and be able to edit or re-take those pictures. Its also nice to pick up a Wi-fi signal at a local coffee shop or whatever and be able to relax and eat some food.


macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2006
Not that i'm a pro, but when my family goes on vacation, I take my Mac Mini Core Solo + a 15'' LCD, keyboard, and mouse to edit my pictures. It isn't too "portable" but I can safely fit it in a Dell Notebook :eek Bag + a small suit case. Of course using a box of bubble wrap.:p


macrumors regular
Aug 22, 2005
New Jersey
haha sweet. Panera Bread has free Wi-Fi and its local so whenever me and my friend are taking pictures or what not well go stop there for lunch and hang out and he brings his Powerbook, so I told him that one day im going to carry my iMac in there and plop it down on a table and just start using it hahaha. Oh boy the looks id get.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 24, 2004
Finally I have arrived.....
I think this thread got off the track.... I am almost always on the road during the weekdays (not as a photographer, though); but, I carry my photo gear with me so that I can take pictures when I find shooting opportunities between work appointments during the day. I wonder what computers the other people are carrying with them for the on-the-road editing.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
If you're thinking about buying a laptop for a specific purpose, then get a 15" MBP. However, I bring my MacBook with me because that's what I have. Photo editing on the road wasn't the only factor I had to consider. I considered size. I like small laptops, and you probably do as well.

If I was getting a laptop for photoediting on the road, I'd get a 15" PB. However, I have no problem looking at my photos on my 13.3" MB because the screen is bright, which makes it easy to stare at even while outside.

In fact, the only reason I recommend the 15" MBP is because the resolution of the screen is higher than the 1280 x 800 pixels I get on my MB's screen. It's much better than the 12" PB's screen despite the small difference in resolution. :)


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 24, 2004
Finally I have arrived.....
Abstract said:
If I was getting a laptop for photoediting on the road, I'd get a 15" PB. However, I have no problem looking at my photos on my 13.3" MB because the screen is bright, which makes it easy to stare at even while outside.

In fact, the only reason I recommend the 15" MBP is because the resolution of the screen is higher than the 1280 x 800 pixels I get on my MB's screen. It's much better than the 12" PB's screen despite the small difference in resolution. :)
It's good to hear the actual user experience on this. I think MB would be a capable machine. I would need to get another Mac as my current PBs I have do not sport the high res LCD even though I have no problem with those machines with ACD (I have been using them clam-shell mode only; so, I don't even see AL PB's onboard LCL anymore)
But, for editing photos taken with my 30D, I just feel I don't do justice to my camera's capabilities by looking at what it took with low-resolution LCL screen.
Maybe I would get the MBP after Apple does the chip upgrade (I am definitely not going to buy MBP at the current spec).


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I wouldn't even get the MBPs because of the aluminium casing. :p

Again, the MacBook's screen resolution isn't very high, but it's high enough on a 13.3" screen. If the resolution were any higher, I'd want the 15".

But again, I do like small laptops and carry my laptop to uni every day in order to do some research work. You seem to like small laptops as well, and combined with the good battery life you get from a MacBook, it's a nice laptop to take with you.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 24, 2004
Finally I have arrived.....
Now, you are swaying my thinking again (I bought the camera lens after considering your suggestion on another thread):p
I agree with you on the Al casing; it is prone to bending because metal is less elastic than plastic (like MB). But, I am not still keen on glossy screen on MB. As Steve Jobs said glossy LCD screen has improved enough to put it on the MB line, maybe next glossy LCD improvement will negate the current more reflective nature of the screen than the non-glossy LCD.
I have the Crumpler Karachi Outpost bag; so that can take up to 17" notebook, along with the camera gear. Of course, I should not fill that bag up to the rim as it might weight a ton by the time I am done stuffing it.
Any photographer who takes Al PB or MBP on the road for photo shoot? How is it holding up with your photo shooting adventures?


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Agree on your point about the Al being less road-worthy. I had a PB, and while it never warped or dented, I think my MacBook holds up to transport much better. :)

And I just wanted to point out that the 15" MB is only slightly heavier than the 13" MB, just to confuse me more. :p Sorry, but I didn't know that you had the Crumpler Karachi Outpost and so if it only has to hold an extra half pound or whatever, and cost isn't an issue, then you may as well if you want the extra resolution.

Also, if you use Aperture or ever plan on buying it, then you'd essentially need the MBP anyway.

If not, then the MacBook is a good buy. I get the impression that you'll mostly be using it to run external LCDs in clamshell mode anyway, right? :confused:


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 24, 2004
Finally I have arrived.....
Abstract said:
I get the impression that you'll mostly be using it to run external LCDs in clamshell mode anyway, right? :confused:
At home, I prefer using the external LCD such as ACD as it is much brighter and gives me a large screen real estate to view my files. Actually, I don't even bother to look at PB's screen as they are clam shelled (except for when I had to do the software update and need to re-start).
But, on the road, I cannot carry my ACDs. So, I would need to rely on the notebook's LCD instead. At home, I should be fine with either MB or MBP as either model can now support the screen spanning mode at the native ACD resolutions.
I am interested in Aperture. But, I think its functions overlap quite bit with what CS2's Bridge can do. The rumor (I have not followed this topic since then) of disbanding the original Aperture team at Apple gives me a second thought on the quality of that software.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
I have the 15" MBP and indeed edit on it both at home and on the road. In June I took it on a trip to the Smoky Mountains and at the end of a day's shooting edited the images in Aperture. When I got home and viewed the images again on larger screens, both the 20" iMac monitor and the 30" ACD that I bought later in the summer, the images still looked great, no problems. I now have the MBP hooked up to that 30" ACD, and that's what I've been using here at home for editing images. Eventually there will be a Mac Pro on the other end of that ACD, but in the meantime it is working out well with the MBP!

I use the MBP on the road for uploading images, for viewing/culling and editing, and if I'm in a location where there is internet access, I use my MBP for that as well. It is a good size, the 15" screen being reasonable for viewing and editing, and is not that heavy to tote around. I like the backlit keys on the MBP and of course it does have the separate graphics card, unlike a Macbook. I have 2 GB RAM to help run Aperture and other applications speedily. I haven't had any problems with the aluminum bending or anything -- seems to be holding up just fine!


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 24, 2004
Finally I have arrived.....
Good to hear MBP is holding up well after the lond day's photo shooting. As it was said before, a 15" model could be a nice compromise between the portability and screen real esate. I am also tempted for a 17" model as it seems there is not much difference in total size/weight.

I wonder what type of Macs the professional photo journalist and photographer carry around as part of their photo gear. Those people travel so often and to so many places, foreign and domestic.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
YS2003 said:
Good to hear MBP is holding up well after the lond day's photo shooting. As it was said before, a 15" model could be a nice compromise between the portability and screen real esate. I am also tempted for a 17" model as it seems there is not much difference in total size/weight.

I wonder what type of Macs the professional photo journalist and photographer carry around as part of their photo gear. Those people travel so often and to so many places, foreign and domestic.

On the trip I mentioned in my last post, one of my fellow travelers had the 17" MBP, and there were definitely times when I envied him for the larger monitor and also the ability to hook up a FW 800 external hard drive for quick and easy extra storage of his image files prior to working on them in Aperture on his MBP's hard drive and then again following his editing work so that his work was saved in two places.

Really there doesn't seem to be that much of a difference in size/weight between the 17" MBP and the 15" MBP and I think if I were doing it again, I'd go with the 17" instead of the 15" because of the additional features available with the 17" and the larger screen real estate for editing images while on the road.

It would be interesting to know which size professional PJs and photographers carry with them....


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 24, 2004
Finally I have arrived.....
Clix Pix said:
Really there doesn't seem to be that much of a difference in size/weight between the 17" MBP and the 15" MBP and I think if I were doing it again, I'd go with the 17" instead of the 15" because of the additional features available with the 17" and the larger screen real estate for editing images while on the road.
I appreciate your honest comment. People usually rationalize their purchasing decision (sometimes after the purchase) and won't admit the possibility they might have done differently.

When I saw both 15" and 17" MBP side by side at the Apple Store, I was not able to tell the difference in size too much (I actually had to look at the tag to see which one I was looking at, 15" or 17"). Maybe this is the visual illusion because of aesthetically pleasing Apple-design.

I forgot about FW800 issue. The 17" model has it while the 15" does not.
I am carrying Lacie's mobile external 120 GB HD for file storage (which has the triple interface, which is rare for the mobile external HD)

I think I am leaning toward 17" MBP after the chip upgrade. Maybe early or the middle of the next year, I will get Mac Pro when Adobe comes out CS3.

But, I am still interested in what the pros are carrying.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 24, 2004
Finally I have arrived.....
Any Pro Photojournalist and Pro Photographer on this board?

I am still interested in hearing what notebook computer those professional photojournalists (working for the major international news bureau) carry as the editing and touch-up tools.

I can guess their camera gears (high end ones from Canon or Nikon); but, I have not heard too much about what notebook computer they carry, except for the case study ad Apple web site showed in the past (it was for a 12" PB and one pro photographer was showing off his PB to the local kids in the country he was doing a photo shooting).
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