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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 25, 2008

First time poster, long time lurker--new Touch owner. I've been searching, and not only do I think this touch-screen based game should exist as a jailbreak app, but Apple should make it a standard game, as it shows off the touch-screen so well.

yes, the game Photo Hunt. You see it in bars all the time, I myself am an addict of this game, and it's literally the first app I thought of when I bought this thing. Anyone know if this game exists for the ipod Touch? If not, any plans to make it happen? I have no desire to jailbreak what I have, as I have ubiquitous Wifi, so the web apps do me well--BUT, I'd jailbreak for Photo Hunt.

sweet! ...but i can't buy it--I live outside the USA, and there are no games available in the app store in my country. :(:confused:
Search for espn camerman in appstore

Seems similar to what your after

oh and its free
Photo Hunter response

I have both ESPN and Photo Hunter. Although ESPN is more flashy and with professional photos, Photo Hunter's game play is much more closer to the original bar game...
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