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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 17, 2010
Hey every one check out the new app at apple store PHOTO infinity. It offers a lot of fun and functionality. I can't believe the scope this app offers. There are a lot of possible effects through their ADJUSTABLE filter option and not only that each filter effect can be added to the previous one making it a great interactive experience to have. Also they have more social networking options and search engines that any other app on store. GO check it out and I am sure you will love it just as I do. it's available for 3.99 $. here is the link for preview. Hope you like it

You know what goes well with spam?
A link to the app at the very least.
Can agree that screen shots are not the best among available apps but really takes you by surprise when u use it. All should give it a try if one doesn't has to trade in a kidney for it. ;)
I'm not talking about the screenshots, I'm referring to your advertising blurb in the op. You can't possibly offer unlimited fun and functionality.
I only have a few problems. First my biggest complaint is that this reads like a developer doing a poor job of trying to sound like an enthusiastic user. I hate that. If you're the developer, say you're the developer. I'm a programmer myself and respect other programmers. I don't respect people trying to fool me. If you lie about who you are, why should I believe that your app is truly amazing? You've already demonstrated a willingness to lie to me to get my money.

Second, I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly what makes this different from some other photo apps I have that do similar things.

Finally I agree that it's fun to tweak photos like this. But unlimited fun? Maybe for you. For me it's limited to about 5-10 minutes a couple times a year. I don't want exaggerations, I want facts. "It has unlimited fun and functionality" isn't factual and doesn't really tell me anything. Thus, my interest isn't piqued. Screen shots that demonstrate that this app does something fun and exciting and unique is helpful. Gross exaggerations aren't.

So I don't care if I have to give a kidney or not. I'm not interested.
Well I really feel bad and surprised that some people think I am the app developer. I haven't forced any one to follow what I say but to choose for themselves if they like the functionality described and shown by the developer. I just asked everyone to have a look and give it a try. But I believe this forum had always been full of spam message and my message was taken in a similar fashion. Sorry if I said something wrong. Let me modify my post a bit so that nobody mentions that (unlimited fun...) any further. :rolleyes:
@ rendez2k: Too technical for me. I can say that I used it on Google, facebook and flicker and it worked well on all three. :)
I just used some available photos and applied the filters to access usability that's it. Can't provide any other link as it has personal stuff. Sorry couldn't help. :)
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