You want
XnViewMP, as
@Fishrrman suggested. It's essentially a free version of Photo Mechanic, which is the gold standard for sorting/editing/batch metadata editing. You can take a huge folder of images and move them (or copy) to new folders, rename them, add captions & keywords, etc.
Also you can just open a folder and sort basically any way you want, then browse through them one page or one image at a time. You can also make slide shows if you want.
To organize your images into folders, use a date-based system that works for you, so when you open a finder window, you're presented with folders in descending order, with the most recent folders at the top. Try a folder naming convention like YYMMDD-subject. So a folder of photos that you took on June 27, 2024 at a car show would be
240627-CarShow. In your main photos folder, it would appear above a folder of photos from the previous day's rodeo, which would be
I usually go one step further, and batch rename the images within those folders after I've done my edit. XnViewMP and Photo Mechanic (and Bridge) allow you to do this. That way after you've selected your favorite images within a folder, you batch rename them consecutively with your top picks first, so you'd open a folder in your finder and see, for example, 240627-CarShow_001.jpg, 240627-CarShow_002.jpg, 240627-CarShow_003.jpg, etc.
That way you can always quickly find your favorite photos, just by opening a folder in the Finder. They would be the ones with the filenames that bring them to the top of the list when you view the folder by filename.
And of course, please back up your images to at least two separate external drives. With all your images on your computer, they are at risk. If an image doesn't exist in three separate places, it doesn't exist.