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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 25, 2007
in my own world
I run slide shows of my images during the events I shoot. Could some point me to software that will rotate my vertical images and keep my horizontals, horizontal? Iphoto does a great slide show but I have to do all of the rotating.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 25, 2007
in my own world
my cameras (nikon D80, D200, D70s) do have a built in level that tells the camera if the images was taken in vert or horiz position. I have windows software the does it so a mac software should be out there.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
iPhoto is capable of reading that data and automatically rotating the image: I've seen it do it. How are you capturing the image? Are you doing anything that might strip the data?


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
Open a picture in Preview (find it in the Finder and open it that way). Hit Command-I and choose the details tab.

In the top section there should be an Orientation property. For me a "standard" landscape is 1 and portrait 8. Note that this does not surprise be. There are 4 orientations allowing for upside down in landscape and both rotations for portrait which are almost certainly 1, 2, 4 and 8 which correspond nicely to bit patterns in binary.

If yours is 0 then either the camera doesn't capture it in the mode you are shooting, it's getting stripped in import or Apple's library does not understand the orientation data in the image file...


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I run slide shows of my images during the events I shoot. Could some point me to software that will rotate my vertical images and keep my horizontals, horizontal? Iphoto does a great slide show but I have to do all of the rotating.


If the camera did not record the orientation into the file when it took the picture there is no way for any computer software can figure out which way is up. Some human will have to look at the image and figure it out. Most camera have a sensor that records the camera orientation iPhoto will use this recorded information if it is present in the image file.

Some camera have th option to disable this feature, have you disabled it?
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