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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 14, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Are we aloud-requesting photos?

If so, I need 4 photos. They will be used for my mom’s site that I'm putting together for her Gourmet Food business. I need 4 images to use in the website banner. (One for each season) Since it's a Gourmet food site, I'm requesting 4 seasonal images to do with gourmet food, that you will allow me to use for the banner. I made 4 banners to show you guys what style I', kind of looking for.

(Keep in mind, I cant use those images for the site, and there more nature, then gourment. Otherwise I would use them 100%.)





I think you guys get what I'm looking for. So for example, for summer, maybe a photo of something cooking on a bar-b-q. Winter maybe soup, or something Christmassy is good too. Fall, a turkey or thanks giving theme. Spring fruit or something. Be creative.

I'm not asking you guys to go out of your way for the image (if you want to, you may) but I'm asking if you have an image that you think may be good for her site, and that we can legally use with your permission, that would help us so much.

Ive seen the photos on here, there great, so I know you guys wont disappoint me. Thank you SOOOOO much in advance.

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