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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 1, 2004
Are there any good sites/forums/communities on the web for photography/digital photography? I've seen deviant art and im a flickr member. I'm looking for somewhere with a good group of people or good content/writers. Similar to MacRumors, only for photography. Maybe some reviews, some photo education, a forum, gallery, etc. I've recently stumbled on and it's really cool, but to do much of anything you have to be a member and membership is pretty stiff. Anybody a member there, or know anywhere similar?


macrumors 68020
Jun 29, 2004
washer said:
Are there any good sites/forums/communities on the web for photography/digital photography? I've seen deviant art and im a flickr member. I'm looking for somewhere with a good group of people or good content/writers. Similar to MacRumors, only for photography. Maybe some reviews, some photo education, a forum, gallery, etc. I've recently stumbled on and it's really cool, but to do much of anything you have to be a member and membership is pretty stiff. Anybody a member there, or know anywhere similar?, baby.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2004
Central Pennsylvania, USA
This ones mainly a Canon site, most of the members shoot Canon here but they welcome photog's shooting any brand. My favorite one out of the others posted above.

I do like Fred Mirandas forum but it seems a lot of the time the site is slow to load due to the many members logged on all the time. Plus I do shoot only Canon and the photography-on-the-net forum caters to Canon users.
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