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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
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Since I'm not all too comfortable showing my crappy photos in their very own blog :p, I'd actually love to have a blog that's 50% blog, and 50% photoblog. I was wondering how you'd set this up?

I mean, I don't like the idea of my own site that's just full of photos, or even the blogs with only photos plus some text underneath to describe the photos. Sometimes I don't have photos I want to post, but I have something to say, y'know?

However, I'd still like to get the photos easily into my blog, but was thinking that maybe this was hard to do with a regular blog. I mean, there are sometimes lots of photos I'd like to share, and Flickr isn't the nicest place to feature them. Its also too difficult to write text entries like in a regular blog.

I wish there was a 50%/50% hybrid with text and photos, as I'd still like sets of photos to be a main feature within my blog. Anyone have any ideas? I thought about just making a blog using iWeb (I found a template I really like), and somehow figuring out a way to contain a link within a blog entry that leads to a separate page (within that blog) that contains only photos shown in a slideshow-type thing. The main page would be kept for simple text entries. It doesn't have to be done in iWeb, but I don't know anything about Dreamweaver and things like that. :eek:

I looked at,,,, and I really can't figure out if a hybrid Blog + Photoblog functionality is possible. :confused:

Do you have a photoblog, or go to any photoblogs regularly? Can any of you give me advice on how to do what I want to do?


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
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I don't really know how to operate my site and upload files and such to my web host. Do I design the site to them and submit it to them, or do I have to choose a design from a Wordpress template? I plan on paying one of their recommended web hosts $7 per month, but I'd like to design my own site using something like iWeb, since I do think it looks nice. Problem is knowing how to upload photos to the site. Oh, and some of these hosts seem to include all this developer tools. Do I need them, or are they necessary to maintain a site where I just want to add some text and upload some photos?

I haven't done any web-design stuff since 1997 when I was 17, just to give you an idea of how out of the loop I am. :p


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
There is a whole lot of info on wordpress if you follow this link. That you should help you with any initial questions about how to design and upload the site.

There is also a sticky over at the webdesign & development forum, with a whole load of useful links for newcomers to webdesign.

Good luck with it Abstract, and I look forward to seeing the fruits of your labour.


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
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Just wanted to say thanks. I guess I'll be going with Wordpress. There seems to be a few"companies" out there, but Wordpress is the most recommended from you guys, so I'll just forget about the other 3 or so companies I've read about. :)


macrumors 603
Dec 19, 2002
I've been getting into the photoblogging deal, though lately I haven't had much time for the photo part of it :rolleyes:.

My solution has been this: run wordpress with a custom theme, post my fave photos in blog posts, and then link to the gallery, with a number of photosets.

It's getting there, but now that work is ending and I'm starting college, I have just about the least amount of time possible for pictures and for blogging, so it's a little lacking right now:

there's a link on the right to:


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
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That's exactly what I want. :)

Just want to know if uploading a new entry to your blog and uploading photos to the photo section are essentially the same process? Also, do you think I can use iWeb to design my blog, or did you use a template that was provided for you?

Anyway, I'll read more about it first before starting one up. I may just start with a free blog with Wordpress just to see how it works.
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