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macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2004
Central Pennsylvania, USA
I'd go with the light experiments... You can learn alot about photogrpahy by mastering light. What better way to learn about how it affects the camera than to experiment.


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2006
dogbone said:
I wouldn't think twice about going for doors. I love shooting doors.
Doors can be very interesting. Especially in relaivally older buildings.

I don't think I would be able to do the dead bird thing :(

Aswell the lighting could be interesting aswell, I don't know very much about the subject so I personally would stay away from it... however tahts not to say you should


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 25, 2001
Moneyapolis, Minnesota
Thanks for the replies.

I'm leaning towards the Ephemerality (birds) set at this point. I'm not sure that the light experiments will print on the canvas the way that I want (I have yet to see if I can get a sample from the printers) and the door set doesn't have enough emotional attention for me, just aesthetic qualities.


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2005
I personally prefer the doors idea. Dunno how original that is, but I know it'd be fun to do. You'll never be able to walk in and out of where you live again without thinking of that door in a new way.
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