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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 10, 2005
Anyone currently in a program somewhere, or have completed either a BFA or an MFA? What are your opinions concerning the experience, and if you already have the degree, how did it benefit you after?

I'm starting on my MFA this fall in photography. My story is somewhat unique since my BA is in psychology. I've actually never had a photography class before. My first will be as a graduate student. Looking forward to it.


macrumors 6502
Jul 8, 2005
Santa Rosa, California

I'm in a program at Ohio Institute of Photography and Techonology. I've learned more there in 3 quarters than I've ever learned before. What's nice about their program is that you can go for a degree in Commercial, Portrait, or a General Applied which is a mix of both Comm. and Port.

Another nice part about the school is that it's moved to all digital, from point and shoot D70s all the way up to a Phase One Digital Back which is used to replace the polaroid back system. Granted, digital is not film. It's a long way from a lot of the pros that film has, but digital is the way a lot of places are going and it is the future.



May 26, 2004
Randy's House
I'd love to round off my degree at the Corcoran here in DC, but I don't see it happening unless I hit the Lotto.

Good luck to you. :)


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Crawn2003 said:
I'm in a program at Ohio Institute of Photography and Techonology.
That is a great school.

Crawn2003 said:
from point and shoot D70s
A D70 is NOT a point and shoot by any means. If a digital camera has an "auto" button, it doesn't make it a P&S. A P&S is most of the canon line below that 300 series one (if I am not mistaken).
The ability to change the lenses clearly makes the d70 a DSLR. :)


There are many schools that offer degrees. RIT is a great school that will also give you the business education that you would need in order to really be a success. I know of Brooks College. I was about to go there, but moving couldn't happen at that point in my life.

I for one would love to compliment my MBA with a degree in photography, perhaps later. But yes, there are legit schools that offer degrees in photography.
Good luck to you, I wish you all the best.


macrumors member
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Photography Degrees

I got my BFA from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT,) and rate both the school and the experience as first rate. I got a foundation that I find photo grads from other schools lacking.

I've also heard good things about Ohio Institue of Photography, and Brooks Institute.

I would have gone on for a Masters later, but no colleges in my area have a MFA program, and I got into a Catch-22 on financial aid when I would have quit my job to get a masters in Photo Editing at Ohio U.


FrankieTDouglas said:
Anyone currently in a program somewhere, or have completed either a BFA or an MFA? What are your opinions concerning the experience, and if you already have the degree, how did it benefit you after?

I'm starting on my MFA this fall in photography. My story is somewhat unique since my BA is in psychology. I've actually never had a photography class before. My first will be as a graduate student. Looking forward to it.


macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
iGary said:
I'd love to round off my degree at the Corcoran here in DC, but I don't see it happening unless I hit the Lotto.

Good luck to you. :)

Great school, I know a few of the professers there, even my Creative Director :)

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
One of the Virginia schools near Richmond has a good BFA from what i hear.

From what I hear from "younger" photographers is that a degree from any school that has a photography program will help in the long-term. Even from an "affordable" college like Shepards College in WV.


macrumors 6502
Jul 8, 2005
Santa Rosa, California
Lol, I can't believe I said the D70s was a point and shoot....

See what happens when I stay up half the night to reach a deadline!

Yeah, the D70s is a DSLR where as CoolPix and such are P&S.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Crawn2003 said:
Lol, I can't believe I said the D70s was a point and shoot....

See what happens when I stay up half the night to reach a deadline!

Yeah, the D70s is a DSLR where as CoolPix and such are P&S.
Ok, I'll take you off my **** list now. ;)
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