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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 16, 2005
Seattle, WA
I have to do a science project and it is supposed to be about a hobbie that we love [me=photography (even though im a noob)]. My teacher said that it would be ok as long as I have a varible and a measurable outcome. The problem is that I cant think of a varible/measurable outcome. Any ideas?


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 16, 2005
Seattle, WA
shutter speed

the problem is that I need to find a measurment that comes out of shutter speed, aperture, or distance like if the shutter speed is increased the clearity or w/e changes but is there a way to measure the change?

If you're using film, you can make quite a chemistry science project. :)

I could use film... but im more interested in digital.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
the problem is that I need to find a measurment that comes out of shutter speed, aperture, or distance like if the shutter speed is increased the clearity or w/e changes but is there a way to measure the change?

Can't you just do something like take a photo of a ruler at different f-stops or something to show them something with depth of field?

Your variable is aperture, and your outcome is how many cm/inches that you get in focus on the ruler, which is easy to measure with a ruler.
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