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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 21, 2019
This is a very annoying feature in the Photos app. I have spoken with Apple about this and they know of no workaround or fix.
I go to the Photos app, select Albums, then Places (under People & Places). I then navigate in the map to a location where I took a bunch of photos. When I tap on the square thumbnail at that location, it displays takes me to a page with all the photos taken at that location. However, it shows the oldest photos. This means if I wish to view some recent photos, I have to scroll through all the photos I took at that location. (granted there is a very tiny scroll bar on the right, but it does not work more than about 10% of the time). This can be quite an inconvenience if one has taken a lot of photos in one location. What I would suggest is in photos settings, allow the user to choose the default to either oldest or most recent photos to display.
Might anyone have a workaround or fix to this?
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