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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Apr 24, 2013
New Orleans
So Ill start off with the info: 18,000+ pictures, photos app on MacOS High Sierra with the setting to download the originals to my Mac (and not optimize to save space).

Now Im trying to do the face naming feature. Ill go and set either myself, my brother, and my sister in creating a new face from a photo, then going to the face to confirm additional faces. However after any change I make, I get the message of "Updating People... People will finish updating when Photos is in the background". So I close photos and let it do its thing. After an hour, it merged us all under one person. I go through to start the "this is not (persons name)" but we are talking thousands of pictures. So I simply remove the person to try again. But every time it is the same issue.

How can I fix this to where photos isn't automatically overriding the people I assign? This is pretty frustrating especially since whenever I close it, it chooses to wipe all my work and override it with the incorrect information.
For some reason one of my many iDevices had the wrong face selected under the wrong name. So upon closing the Photos app, it would contradict with the iOS devices. Solution was to turn off iCloud Photo Library on all other of my iOS devices. After that, any changes made on my Mac Photos app stayed.
Update, so i turned off all iCloud syncs. Redid faces on 19,000 pictures over the past few months on my mac. And upon syncing it to iCloud again, iOS decides to override all of my work! It decides people arent who I named them as, but rather merges a whole bunch of people who look similar. Now I have my whole family listed as a single person. Anyone resolve this?
I haven't had this issue, but I left just correct as it goes. It is a learning algorithm so just correct it and slowly it will get better. Family will have similar features and sometimes get miscategorized.

But wait until all devices have completed their learning with iCloud Photos on so your changes are synced to all.
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