I see that you are very knowledgeable on this so I appreciate the help.
So you have "Photo's" turned off in iCloud but have it set to backup the photo album in Backup? I wasn't aware that those 2 things could be done separately.
If I do it like that, it will only backup my photo's, it won't send them to my MBA's iPhoto app?
I would actually like to do the opposite. I want the pictures sent to my MBA's iPhoto app. I don't need them in the iCloud. I want to be able to view them on my MBA (which is backed up in multiple ways, so I don't need iCloud backup for the photos).
You can do this differently now because Apple adding iCloud Drive is recent. That means your iPhone can directly upload photos to iCloud Drive where they can be viewed on any device capable of viewing photos.
But before iCloud Drive your photos simply backed up to iCloud to the same place where Apple stores your actual backup data. That's the part I'm using, not the iCloud Drive part.
I can speak only for myself and my own setup, but I've not had any issue directly importing my photos to iPhoto simply by opening the app and using the import feature.
This, despite the fact that the Mac I do this on is a 2003 17" PowerBook G4 running OS X 10.5.8 with iPhoto 4.0.3 and using an iPhone 5 and iPhone 6+ which are unsupported on PowerPC Macs.
I just open iPhoto, it sees my iPhone and imports the pics directly.
Now the other user mentioned Google Photos. That's also an option, but you don't have to compress your photos. It's a setting. There's also Dropbox which uploads photos directly to a 'Camera Uploads' folder. Any device you have connected to Google Photos or Dropbox will then immediately get those photos. I use both, simply because it's easier for me (pics show up on my Mac as soon as they are uploaded) but periodically I will connect my iPhone to my PowerBook and directly import my pics to iPhoto.
Now, if none of this was available to me then I'd be using iCloud to backup my photos but since I do have these options it's why I have my settings the way I do.
Now, if you really want to avoid a USB cable then I don't think there are any 'built-in' ways to do that wirelessly, unless you maybe use that wireless sync thing with iTunes.
I do use
Photosync though on occasion. You install this on your phone and a companion app on your Mac/PC. When I first bought it they had a compatible app for PowerPC Macs.
With both apps open Photosync will let you transfer directly to iPhoto (although you also have other transfer options).
That's about all I can think of to get your photos over.