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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 7, 2007

i have various smart albums, such as for the year 2018, and i have it set in the range of Jan 1,2018 to Dec 31, 2018, so all photos from 2018 appear in the album.

but my issue is there are photos and videos that i don't want to be in the smart album, how can i make it show specific photos only? i have tried having a condition to only show photos/videos from 2018, that only have a specific description, but ti seems to not sort the photos/videos.

any idea how i can have it only show specific photos from 2018?

Double check your rules. Second rules needs to be either Description, Keyword, or Title. If Description/Title, make sure the condition is "Includes".

And lastly, the "Match" at the top needs to be "All".

So, with that said, what you are trying to do might not work as you cannot put multiple values for keyword/description/title as Photos will look for that exact string. Eg. Photo A has description "mom, B has "dad", C has "sis", D is "flower", setup a Keyword rule with "Include" and value of "mom dad sis", none of the pictures will match the rule as no picture will have description of "mom dad sis". If you turn on Match of "Any", all pictures will be pulled in, as you are seeing now. "Any" is just a big OR function: this rule or that rule or third rule is true, etc.

Guess you can use the keyword field to add a tag for include/exclude, and then setup the rule for "keyword is include_tag" or "keyword is not exclude_tag"
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