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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 1, 2006
Fertile, MN
I went on a trip to China (December 26-January 7) with my boyfriend to visit his cousin and his cousin's boyfriend. I owe my lover big time as I could not afford a trip like that.--Poor college student. It was ten wonderful days and lots of travelling. His cousin had an itinerary planned out. Our basecamp was Shanghai. We then travelled to Suzhou, Beijing, Hangzhou, then back to his home in Shanghai. Just amazing! China is beautiful and it is hard to give a definition for it! Anways, I want to share some of the photos I took with everyone here!

Photo 1: Tienman's Square.
A biker is stopping by to look at the people wandering around the square during the New Years Celebration.


Photo 2: Smoking Man
The Lingering Garden in Suzhou, one of China's famous four Qing Dynasty gardens. A man is smoking and hopefully enjoying the view.


Photo 3: Great Wall of China
This is a section of the Great Wall of China. If you look closely, you can see a pair of gloves next to the trees.


Photo 4: A View of the Great Wall.
A view of the Great Wall of China. I can't believe a nation could construct something so massive. It would take 3 months of hiking to trek the entire length of the wall.


And the last photo!

The Jinmao tower entrance.
Santa's are still up way past Christmas. There were many Christmas decorations still up before I left.


If you guys want to see more, I'd be happy to as soon as I get more ready for print!


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Wow, perfect Great Wall photo, especially off at the distance, where it blends with the yellow-ish sky. Great lines. :) I also like how the section of the wall closest to you is clear, but it gets more and more hazy as you move further away. In a lot of situations, it doesn't work for me, but since you're taking a photo of something long, thin, and curves back and forth, and away from you, it works.

Nice photos overall. I like the other Great Wall photo as well. :)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 1, 2006
Fertile, MN

phungy: Thanks! I love that shot of the Great Wall. The day was a warmish 50 degrees, the sky was clear, and no wind at all! It was cloudy about half of my trip. I bet everyone that was at the Wall got some great photos that day!

EastCoastFlyer: Thanks!

My equipment was a Nikon D70 with a Nikkor 18-70mm DX lens(Kit) and for the last photograph I used a Canon Ixus 800IS and converted it to B+W. The sensor on my camera has so many spots on it--it needs to be cleaned bigtime!

Abstract: Yeah, I agree with photos that are in a setting like this one. I believe the Great Wall was just born Photogenic. It really makes the landscape come alive. My boyfriend said the Great Wall looks like a large Dragon.

I like the other Wall photo (B+W one) a lot. It's a different take on an object that is photographed so much.

I'm glad to share my pictures with all of you! Have a good day!


macrumors regular
Mar 15, 2004
Fantastic photos, thanks for posting them. They made me go back and look at the photos I took when my wife and I visited China back in 2003. Not as good as yours, but then my camera cost 1/5 the price of yours:)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 1, 2006
Fertile, MN
ShermDog: Thanks! Where did you and your wife travel to during your stay in China? Did you have any friends there to visit? I hope you found China to be an interesting and wonderful place to experience.

shieldyoureyes: Thank you. Follow the link for the Great Wall photo if you want a copy of it. ^_^

iRachel Thanks Rachel!


macrumors 65816
Jan 9, 2007
Kansas City, Missouri. USA
I love Hong Kong like no other city -- you should check it out next time you're in the area.

And i'm sure the peeps on or would dig these good China photos.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 10, 2006
Western Australia
the great wall is amazing. I'd LOVE to walk it, can you ride it? (bike)? it's just crazy.

I wonder if there's any thugs along the way.. pirates! hah

I used to live in Hong Kong, some time ago, during the hand over, worked there for a while, i really love it there. Took the wife there mid last year, she loved it!

Martin C

macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2006
New York City
That one of the great wall extending into the yellow horizon is a fantastic shot. The wall and mountains become a nice silhouette as it gets farther and father away from your lens. Really nice photos Bocheememon.


macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2006
amazing shots

the wall of china is now plastered all over the desktops of both my screens

(i have a sexy 2 X Dell TFT monitor setup :))



macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
wow! love the color in the 2nd shot! Is that HDR?
anyway, all of those are really nice. I'd love to go to Asia with my family, time and money just happen to make it a bit tough. oh well, seeing nice photos is almost as good:)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 1, 2006
Fertile, MN
Hi all.

wmmk: Nope, it isn't HDR. I was very lucky with that shot. I only had a few seconds to capture it before he moved. I hope you can go to China someday or travel with your family. I was very lucky and thankful to go on this trip. I'm glad you can see a bit of it through my photos! Cheers!

barney2k: Oh sexy setup indeed! All I have is a 17inch Studio Display No sexy models on this displays :p. :( I feel famous now! Enjoy the photos.

Martin C: Thanks Martin! I love that photo too!

valdore: I'll check out those pages. I hope to come back again someday. I will definitely check out Hong Kong!
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