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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 19, 2012
I am relatively new to Mac and I would like to know my options for backing up my photos on my Macbook Pro (from the PHOTOS app to an external drive etc)

I know about Time Machine and use it, and I know you can drag my WHOLE Photos library to an external drive (and I do that too but what about adding to it?)
.... but I am really interested to know if I can drag drag the whole library to a drive and THEN add to it (eg. year by year or month by month)?? ...... or can I only drag the entire library??

It seems to me "Photo" is great on the Mac, but when I think about using it long term I will need to take photos off my Mac and put them to storage (ext HDD) and add now and again in a sequential way (ideally)

I have been using a Windows machine for many years and have always just put my photos into folders and years and stored them away, year after year? But I really want to use the Photos app if I can
...... But who does everyone do it? Just using Time Machine?

.. the reason I ask is I am interested in photography and want to access my photos in the years to come and would like to know the best way of doing it (or options)
I would really be interested in other photography buffs and what they do,
thanks for any advice
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