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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 5, 2016
London, UK

With iOS12, I have noticed the Files app no longer does any automatic conversion from HEIC to JPG when saving photos. If I choose Save to Dropbox instead, it does convert to JPG.

Files is a great app and I prefer to use it over the Dropbox app. I cannot find any settings for Files, either in the app itself, or in the main phone Settings app, so I guess this is hard coded in iOS.

Apple's support document contradicts this (
Sharing Media: When you share HEIF or HEVC media using other methods, such as AirDrop, Messages, or email, it's shared in a more compatible format, such as JPEG or H.264

Disappointing. Hopefully this is something which will get addressed in a future update.


macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2017
Just curious why don't you want it to save in it's original format? I actually like that it keeps the smaller size.

Regarding Apple's support document, it actually doesn't contract. AirDrop, Messages and email are sharing with other devices so there's no guarantee the receiving device can handle HEIC so you need to convert. Files is generally accessed by your attached devices and all of the latest iOS/macOS support HEIC so to me it makes sense to save it in the original format.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 5, 2016
London, UK
Just curious why don't you want it to save in it's original format? I actually like that it keeps the smaller size.

Regarding Apple's support document, it actually doesn't contract. AirDrop, Messages and email are sharing with other devices so there's no guarantee the receiving device can handle HEIC so you need to convert. Files is generally accessed by your attached devices and all of the latest iOS/macOS support HEIC so to me it makes sense to save it in the original format.

Well, HEIC is really poorly supported on Windows, which is where I do most of my work with photos.

I'm posting this because the behaviour has changed since iOS11.

At least an option to choose, or set a default, would be helpful.

The reason I choose sharing to Files to put into Dropbox, rather than just using the native share to Dropbox is as soon as you select more than 1 photo the native option disappears. If you want to select multiple photos and copy (share) them somewhere else, then Files is the best option.

^ unless anyone has a workaround for the 1 photo sharing to Dropbox limit??
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