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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 17, 2016
Please help. When iPhoto stopped to work I hadn’t downloaded the latest update of it. So when Photos came there was no other option than to let it transfer my current iPhoto to Photos.

My older iPhoto Libraries are stored in an external hard disk. I didn’t try before now to let Photos open and transfer the latest of them. It works fine with the iPhoto-Libraries stored from my 2008 MacBook. But the ones stored from my 2012 Retina MacBook Pro, won’t let themselves be recognized by Photos.

Someone suggests it could be something with the formatting of the external drive. But still, Photos is able to upgrade/transfer older iPhoto-libraries on the same drive! It's only the newest ones from my Retina that won't work. The content, a lot of files, are there in Finder, the biggest library is 110 GB. But the ikons is half erased/ dimmed, and not clickable when I try to reach them through Photos, or through iPhoto Upgrader.

I tried to give one of the Libraries the english name «iPhoto-Library» instead of the Norwegian «iPhoto-Bibliotek», with no result. Their ikon is a folder instead of a iPhoto ikon. They seem to be built up in another way.

It cannot be so that Apple denies me access to my old of pictures because they forced me to switch to a new application with no way back. I know I can get them out in the system folders, one by one, but it's a lot of work, AND I will loose my whole system with albums etc.

Please give me an advice how to solve this, I will be very thankful!


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