indesign and photoshop in macbook air
can you please give more information about indesign in macbook air or let me ask
i am using ps, in and ai not much but when i use these cs5 programs, i create o book, interactive magazines or i plan logo's, photo's for 3-4 hours sometime, is Macbook Air 13"
1.86GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
256 mb Geforce 320M with 4 gb RAM enough for these works, i am now using macbook c2d 2.16ghz 4gb RAM and GMA X3100 (144mb) and i am not pleased the performance of this macbook.
i really want to buy one, because it is so portable, thin, light weighted.
Another choice for me now is to buy
Macbook Pro 13"
2.3GHz dual-core
Intel Core i5
Intel HD Graphics 3000
This is not as portable as the mb Air. Does this two macbook's have so far difference in performance?