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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 4, 2008

I need to open a spread for a photo album (jpg), alter it, save one side of it, and the save the other side of it. The input is spread 1, spread 2 etc, and output, side 1, side 2, side 3, side 4 etc.

I have created a action in Photoshop which does this perfectly. When I'm trying to create a droplet, with "overrides save as command", (which has to be the case to batch process many files), only the last "save as" command recorded in the action is saved as a file. Any ideas of how to achieve what I want to do? Maybe another program?

I think the problem simply is that Photoshop don't recognize more than one "save as" command in an action when you batch process it.

Please help! Regards, Sara
I haven't tried this... but what about after the last save as.... do another process to the image. One that doesn't do a darn thing to the image. After that do the save as again.

This way you have a separation of the save as command.

Or you could try setting up another action to do the side 1 and then an action for the side 2.

Run the side 1 and then after you do the save as for side one have the action start the action for side 2. Does this make sense? I don't know if you can do this but it might be worth a try.

I haven't done multipal save as before..... Not on my machine at home so I am going off the top of my head with this one.
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