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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 26, 2003
Okay..Adobe has this new line called Creative Suites...With Photoshop, InDesign, etc, dropping the number and going with CS at the end. Now..does this mean that this version, "Photoshop CS" is Photoshop 8?
Re: Photoshop Confusion

Originally posted by iEric
Okay..Adobe has this new line called Creative Suites...With Photoshop, InDesign, etc, dropping the number and going with CS at the end. Now..does this mean that this version, "Photoshop CS" is Photoshop 8?

oh I c..i was at Adobe Creative Suite Tour today and what a great seminar!! THERE ARE SOOOOOOOOOOO MANY NEW from Photoshop 6-7 there wans't much but holy crap NOW PHOTOSHOP IS SOOO EASY TO WORK and InDesign and Illustrator is sooooooo much better...Indesign is so much better than Quark now..before it was comparable, but now InDesign CS is the BEST!!!!!!! I can't wait to get my copy.
The guy says that for Windows there are activation Keys and that the mac version don't have activation keys YET. so if everyone would just buy software, then its alrighty.
Oh btw, Photoshop CS can update from even Photoshop 1.1!!! Thats a pretty good update if I may say so myself.
Photoshop CS 2004. Of course, they'll get into a lawsuit with Macromedia over using someone else's innovation. ;)
Originally posted by iEric
...Indesign is so much better than Quark now..before it was comparable, but now InDesign CS is the BEST!!!!!!!

InDesign is great if your a designer but it's not quite there as far as production. Quark is such a solid program for what it's suppose to do. Quark is so intrenched in the print industry that most major printers just won't take InDesign files.

One major advantage of Indesign is it's price point BUT unlike Quark, Adobe can afford to do that with all it's product diversity. Quark only has Quark. They can't afford to short change the price point. I give them props, they are one of the few privately owned companies in a land of IPO's. Although, I would've love to see Quark bought out by Apple or Macromedia.

Sorry.....just needed to chime. Didn't want to get off topic. :D

Eclipse I agree with you in some degree even though I use Illustrator and Photoshop everyday I cannot get into InDesign and not through trying just not mad on it, and coming from a print production background Quark still has a slight a very slight edge, I still use 4 btw never bothered with 5 and I'm evaluation 6 on this as we speak and to be honest doesn't look such a great leap but I'll bear with it and see if it's worth the upgrade (18 copies at some horrendous price).

But from what I've read Photoshop CS is 7.5 not really to be considered v8 a marketing upgrade as I've heard, I hope I'm prooved wrong on this as I'm waiting for the global agreement to come in so I can order it from our software licencing vendor.

But in closing I think Quark has a limited time, InDesign I feel will eventually take over, the only reason quark is where it's at is because aldus pagemaker never cut it and they were the only two pro desktop packages available back in the jurassic period ;-)
Originally posted by niallerc
Eclipse I agree with you in some degree even though I use Illustrator and Photoshop everyday I cannot get into InDesign and not through trying just not mad on it, and coming from a print production background Quark still has a slight a very slight edge, I still use 4 btw never bothered with 5 and I'm evaluation 6 on this as we speak and to be honest doesn't look such a great leap but I'll bear with it and see if it's worth the upgrade (18 copies at some horrendous price).

But from what I've read Photoshop CS is 7.5 not really to be considered v8 a marketing upgrade as I've heard, I hope I'm prooved wrong on this as I'm waiting for the global agreement to come in so I can order it from our software licencing vendor.

But in closing I think Quark has a limited time, InDesign I feel will eventually take over, the only reason quark is where it's at is because aldus pagemaker never cut it and they were the only two pro desktop packages available back in the jurassic period ;-)

I'll have to agree with you on some points . Our company beta tested Quark 6 and I must say it's solid and although the changes small/few the app made a solid transition to OS X. That was their first goal according to Quark. The next step is to add InDesign Type features I'm sure BUT who really knows. IT's gonna be interesting. Personal, I'm so fluent in Illustrator and Photoshop that InDesign is not a big deal. In fact, it almost in a way complicates things more, as strange as that sounds.

Originally posted by eclipse525
Although, I would've love to see Quark bought out by Apple or Macromedia.

That would be very interesting if Apple bought Quark....
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