Originally posted by niallerc
Eclipse I agree with you in some degree even though I use Illustrator and Photoshop everyday I cannot get into InDesign and not through trying just not mad on it, and coming from a print production background Quark still has a slight a very slight edge, I still use 4 btw never bothered with 5 and I'm evaluation 6 on this as we speak and to be honest doesn't look such a great leap but I'll bear with it and see if it's worth the upgrade (18 copies at some horrendous price).
But from what I've read Photoshop CS is 7.5 not really to be considered v8 a marketing upgrade as I've heard, I hope I'm prooved wrong on this as I'm waiting for the global agreement to come in so I can order it from our software licencing vendor.
But in closing I think Quark has a limited time, InDesign I feel will eventually take over, the only reason quark is where it's at is because aldus pagemaker never cut it and they were the only two pro desktop packages available back in the jurassic period ;-)