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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 2, 2003
I'm at my wit's end. I bought PSE 6, and have been trying to install it on my white macbook, OS 10.5.8, 2.2Ghz Intel Core 2 duo. Every time I try to install, I get the following:

Errors: 2 component(s):
Adobe Photoshop Elements
Component install failed
Shared components
Component install failed

After researching on forums, I think the problem is probably related to prior installation of a trial version. I found the CS3 cleaner, ran that, still the same problem. It seems that others have had the same problem. I still suspect that the problem relates to a prior installation, and was wondering if the following strategy might work.

I have two partitions on my hard drive, one of which I'm basically not using. I was going to re-install OS 10.5 (from my original discs) with an erase and install, so there will be no trace of anything adobe on this partition. Then I'd install PSE 6 onto the same partition. It'd be a bit of a pain in the rear, as I'd have to reboot from the other partition each time I wanted to use it, but at least it'd work. Does that sound like a plan? Any other ideas?



macrumors regular
Sep 11, 2008
How are you logged in to the Mac - standard user? To get a good install of PSE you must be logged in as Administrator. Even that you need to tweek some files to get save for web working. Sorry I do not remember more.

All the best
Andrew Wright.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 2, 2003
I finally got it to work, but what a pain!

Yes, I was logged into an administrator account. I tried everything - repair permissions, repetitive uninstalls, manually removing files. Didn't help. Here is what finally did work, for others in my position.

(1) Run the Adobe CS3 clean (free download from their website). It's a terminal python script that gives you levels of scrubbing, from 1 to 2. Choose 4. (Really. You have to choose an option that's not even listed.)
(2) Create a NEW user with administrator privileges.
(3) Log out, and log in as the new user. (I called mine "photoshop".)
(4) Run the install from the DVD.

No idea why one has to create a bogus user to get it to work. It does launch okay when I log out and log back in as my usual user ID. I'm reluctant to try deleting the superfluous account for fear it'd no longer work. Hopefully PSE 8 has eliminated these issues.


deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
Had a similar problem once with another program. I had deleted a program that was not running right and then reinstalled it, but it still was not right. It turned out that the new install was picking up some files out of the trash. Once I deleted it again and emptied the trash that program installed just fine.
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