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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 1, 2005
Hi everyone. OK I have a question for all you photoshop experts out there. Below is a reduced version of a photograph of a Jaguar I took last week at Chester Zoo in the UK. For anyone who has seen the new Jaguar house you will agree it is amazing. Anyway...

As I am sure you can see there are cage marks over the animal and I am wondering if it is possible to remove these in photoshop? I have a copy of Elements but I really haven't had time to get into it properly. If anyone here knows how to do this and would share the process I would be very grateful. If anyone wants to have a play with the origional picture then send me an email and I will send it over to you.

Thanks for your help, I just want to see this beautiful animal in all its glory again.


  • IMG_9453.jpg
    129.8 KB · Views: 137


macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2005
You mean something like this. This can be achieved by just using Curves and Levels adjustment Layers with masks applied.

BTW Great photo.


  • jaguar.jpg
    115.6 KB · Views: 115


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 1, 2005
Mac_Freak said:
You mean something like this. This can be achieved by just using Curves and Levels adjustment Layers with masks applied.

BTW Great photo.

WOW! That is so cool. Thanks.

Would it be possible to provide a brief step-by-step as I am sure loads of people will find this very very useful.

Once again, thanks so much.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2005
R.Youden said:
Would it be possible to provide a brief step-by-step as I am sure loads of people will find this very very useful.

Well I used Photoshop for that instead of a PS Elements as you have and I have NO idea what kind of features does it have.
However, basically all I did was that used Curves Adjustment layer than just reverse mask to black to hide effect or just use the option from Layers menu to hide the effect and then just brush away, with white to reveal set to low opacity, the areas that are to light which is the fence itself. Use multiple adjustment layers that way it will allow you to fine tune it and prevent overdoing certain areas.

Those tricks are presented in a photoshop tv podcast episode #21 (photo restoration)


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
R.Youden said:
WOW! That is so cool. Thanks.

Would it be possible to provide a brief step-by-step as I am sure loads of people will find this very very useful.

Once again, thanks so much.

His technique would work in PS, Element and Gimp. What he did (and I doubt I would have thought of it myself) was to in effect make two copies of the image, one on each layer. In one layer he adjusted the contrast and brightness (using "curves" dialog box) so that the image looked good where the fence was and let the "non fence" areas look black or whatever. Next he painted a mask (was fuzzy edages) and used it to composit the two layers. PS Elements has all the required tools You first need to read up on the use of layers or a step by step instruction would read like vodo whichcraft magic

The key observaton here, that made me slap forehead and say "Duh why didn't I think of it" was that the out of focus fence does not really obscure the subject in only supperimposes a grey halo, it adds data, not removes data. and the data, by luck, just hapens to be a nuetral shade of grey. To bad the zoo did not paint the fence black.


macrumors 603
Jan 10, 2006
Try this one.

Extensive use of burn tool on grey patches darkens the area. Then just used various layers and contrasts. Given more time i could possibly get it looking really good.


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