Not aware of an automatic way... Pretty easy to do manually though with marque and fill.
Not actually tried before though, so could be entirely wronglol
Ok then, I swear I could do this in something like powerpoint so I thought that Photoshop should be able to do it.
I had a quick go, not the thing I wanted to do it on but its all good practice.
Thought there would be a quicker way, say I wanted to do this to a couple of paragraphs... that would take the **** lol
It's hard to get the thicknesses consistent as well. Yes I could duplicate the layer x amount of times but how would I know what size each lines needs...
Seriously, the point at which you have more than a line of text is the point at which you should be looking at Illustrator or InDesign.
I'll do it in ID then, how would I do this?