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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 29, 2007
ok im running a 24 inch iMac 2.4 s gig ram blah blah working with CS2. i found a website called planet photoshop which gives a tutorial on how to cut someones face and paste them onto another picture.

i have both pictures up that i want to do this with. i outline the one picture using the pen tool. i cut. i paste. and all i get is the outlining. HOW DO I JUST CUT AND PASTE A PART OF THE IMAGE ONTO ANOTHER IMAGE!!!

sorry for the caps. its just getting frustrating because thats something ive been trying to do for a long time but just cant figure it out.

any help would be awesome.

thanks everyone
Make sure both images are in the same mode. In the title bar of the image, it should say "RGB" or "CMYK". If it's "Index" or "Grayscale" then cut and paste may not work, because the two images have to be in the same mode. To change mode, go Image > Mode.
Go to your Paths palette, and hold down the "apple" button while clicking on the path you made. That will turn the path into a selection and then you can copy and past the picture, instead of the path.


Exactly what he said. I also find it easier to use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to outline people when I am photoshop'n faces into other bodies(I did this with all my co-workers lol)

But like Sdashiki said, that's just one out of an unlimited ways to do it, only he didn't give any helpful information to someone below him in photoshop(insert the sarcasm face here):rolleyes:
Ok, use the magic wand tool to select large patches of colors around the person.

Use the magic selection tool the same way, its more intuitive

Use the extract function

make a layer mask and use the pencil/brush to add or delete

make an alpha channel

many ways.
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