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macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2006
jimmer116 said:
What's the best photoshop magazine that's printed in the US...

if there is such a thing.

There's a good one called "Layers". And there's also a good one called "Photoshop User". I subscribe to both and love them both very much. Layers covers more than just Photoshop (such as Illustrator, etc), so keep that in mind. I forgot that Photoshop User only comes with a NAPP subscription, but it's well worth it to me. It's by far the best Photoshop resource I have.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 27, 2006
islandman said:
There's a good one called "Layers". And there's also a good one called "Photoshop User". I subscribe to both and love them both very much. Layers covers more than just Photoshop (such as Illustrator, etc), so keep that in mind. I forgot that Photoshop User only comes with a NAPP subscription, but it's well worth it to me. It's by far the best Photoshop resource I have.

Thanks...for right now Layers looks good. Don't know about shelling out money for the NAPP membership. Maybe later for that.


macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2004
Photoshopuser is great but it's very expensive. I used to get it but found that I hardly ever used the tips & tricks. Now I just crib info if I happen to see it in the bookstore.


macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2004
madison, WI
You may want to check out your local library, either public or university (if you're a student.) They may have a subscription that you can either check out or read while you're there, and you could get a feel for the magazine. Also, what I've done is see what magazines are available to read for free, and then subscribe to one that isn't - to expand the amount you have available to you.

I've read both Photoshop User and Layers this way.. both have step by step tutorials, but I think that Layers has their source images available online for free, whereas you need the subscription to the other.
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