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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 23, 2003
Well, here's my situation:

I'm using Mac OS 10.3.3, fully patched, updated etc. and Adobe Photoshop CS

My problem is, the only way I can get files to open in photoshop is go to File->Open. Double-clicking on PSDs does nothing, neither does dragging images/PSDs onto the photoshop icon in the dock.

Does anyone know how to fix this? It's getting really annoying!
A little more info would help, such as location of files, permissions, what other apps open, type of computer, ram, etc. All info would make it easier to figure out issue.
I am home at the moment using Photoshop CS on a G3 with 10.2.8 and have no issues, while at work I use OS 10.3.3 on a G4 with ps CS and will try to attempt what you discribe, but I haven't had problems so far. Both machines have over 700mb of RAM.
You could try a clean install of Photoshop, delete preferences, check permissions (sorry said that already) anyway, good luck, I'll try to get more info.

Try going into the Get Info window for a PSD file (any file) and then going to the Open with: field. From the list, select Adobe Photoshop CS and then hit Change All... That could fix your problem.
i'm using a 12"pb/rev.b

all permissions are fine, and of course i have the open with setting correct...

what happens is that i'll click on an icon, it'll load photoshop, but photoshop won't load the file. if i drag an icon onto the photoshop dockling, it'll put photoshop in focus, but it won't load the file. i've tried a fresh install of OS X and PS.
This is caused by having installed Photoshop when you were running Jaguar, and because you did an archive and install of Panther.

If you have your Previous Systems folder still laying around, look inside of it for the following file:

/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types

Move that file to your current /Library/ScriptingAdditions/ folder, and then restart your machine.

If you no longer have the Previous Systems folder, you could download that file from (.sitx, ~ 3 KB)

Hope this helps....
thanks for that! i'd never have worked it out otherwise!
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