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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 2, 2007
Hey all,

I was wondering since i am buying a Pentax K10D DSLR should I buy Photoshop as a part of my devoloping tools.:)


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2007
I would make sure I had a complete range (wide -> telephoto) of lenses before I went out and spent $400++ on a program.

Of course, I shoot for keeps. I hate going back in photoshop (or anything) and tweaking. If you think you'll want to go back and edit, photoshop will be more valuable to you than a new lens.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 2, 2007

does anyone here use lightroom and if so what do you think of it, would it be just as good as Adobe CS3 or better??:)


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2007
does anyone here use lightroom and if so what do you think of it, would it be just as good as Adobe CS3 or better??:)

When you say "Adobe CS3" I assume you mean specifically Photoshop CS3...

I don't use lightroom (aperture FTW), but my impression is that it's an organization tool, not a major editor (kinda like how I'd never use Aperture for anything beyond saturation, balance, white point, or crop). If you just need an organization tool don't get photoshop... I once used photoshop and files on a PC and switching to a mac + aperture cut my post-shoot times to a third of what they were.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Since you are just starting out, why not go with Photoshop Elements instead? It is a "light" version of Photoshop and will do most of the things you'll need. Also look into Aperture and Lightroom and see if one of them will meet your needs, too.

I use Aperture for 99.9%of my post-processing, only going into CS3 when I want to do something more advanced than Aperture is able to do, such as layers or special filter effects, etc.


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2007
I use Aperture for 99.9%of my post-processing, only going into CS3 when I want to do something more advanced than Aperture is able to do, such as layers or special filter effects, etc.

Bingo. That's basically the issue in a sentence.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 2, 2007
Well I have been given some great opinions by all of you thank you one and all.

It's so nice to come into a forum and know that everyone tries to help each in there own way which is awsome.:D


Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Bingo. That's basically the issue in a sentence.

Yes. If I had been using Aperture before I invested in Photoshop, I never would have bothered with Photoshop, I would have simply gone with PS Elements instead. Because through the years I've been using Photoshop, when the newer versions have come out I've gone ahead and upgraded. I've been using Aperture since its launch and I love it. When CS3 became available this year I did hesitate a bit before going ahead and updating from CS2 to CS3. However, if I'd never purchased any version of Photoshop before and were already using Aperture or Lightroom, I definitely would just go with Elements rather than the full-blown Photoshop (CS2, CS3) at this point.....
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