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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I found a series of videos on You Tube, short and interesting if you like the topic. :)

Black Hole

The Big Bang

Dark Matter and Energy

The Fabric of the Cosmos- 4 Part Nova Series (PBS) I watched part 1 on Prime Video. This was the first time I saw a visual representatoion of how gravity works that was easy to understand and I was impressed!

The most bizarre idea that is currently being floated is that reality as we experience it, might be a hologram, a projection actually located somewhere else on 2D space. :)

The satellite and the moon, are objects instead of rolling by on a flat plane, get trapped in the indentation of space/time caused by the mass of the Earth, which warps space time because of its mass.​
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Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem that pertains to math. This was recently mentioned in a forum post. I was oblivious, don’t remember this being mentioned while in school. Now semi-informed, I find the philosophical aspects (3rd video) to be very interesting:


More In-depth

Pay close attention to the last minute of this video​
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