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macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
I quite like iPhoto but it's far from perfect and Apple could do with the competition. I've used this a few times on Windows but not enough to really say if its for me or not. So will I try it - hell yes.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2007
Eh... A little too late to the game for me. I will stick with Aperture and my website now.

It was nice when I was on my Windows computer, but I have since moved on.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Eh... A little too late to the game for me. I will stick with Aperture and my website now.

If one is really using and benefiting from Aperture, I can't think of why in their right mind they would use Picasa... :p

Picasa from what I saw on PCs... It had a couple of minor niceties. In particular, on comparable era computers (I guess this is less of an issue now, with how fast the Core 2 processors are) Picasa seemed to get much less bogged down by having lots and lots of large images in it than iPhoto did. On a G5, I thought iPhoto was unreasonably slow considering what it was being asked to do.

Then again, over time, I stopped carefully albuming photos and just dumped them into iPhoto when I synced my cameras, for storage. Now on a PC, I, embarrassingly, just dump them into a folder (and use Paint.NET for photo editing). I probably should install Picasa on my Windows PC.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
EDIT: Wow, I installed Picasa on XP/SP3 on my Eee Box (1.6GHz Atom N270) and it's amazing how much faster it is than iPhoto on my iMac G5....

It is a little quirky, though, in that it went and imported some kind of random image files from here and there in My Documents (like old image files for a Java game project I did seven years ago that somehow migrated with my Documents from my old Windows 98 computer to my iBook to my iMac to my EeeBox.


macrumors regular
Dec 1, 2007
New York, NY, USA
Picasa was cool, back when I had a pc. At the time I wanted to have it on my mac, but I gave up on it. Now I use Lightroom, so Picasa will be of no use to me.

That said, I take my photography somewhat seriously, for the more casual user, Picasa will be a great alternative to iphoto.
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