To the original poster's question I don't have a specific answer.
To the implications of what they are asking, I suggest this:
Use the iPad as a viewer for your photos to decide on keeping or deleting them. I don't suggest syncing the photos in and deleting your media cards containing the 'original' photos.
based on my experience using the iPad + CCK as photo backup while traveling, I will add the following comments:
1. if you are worried about having a single copy of your photos while on the road, then yes, don't delete the originals on your memory card. but go ahead and create a backup of your cards on the iPad using the CCK. When finished uploading the iPad asks if you want to keep or delete the originals on the card
2. each time you upload a card to the iPad, it will create a new Event in the photo album, with today's date as the album's name. unfortunately you can't manually name albums or sort photos, but at least each upload will appear in a new event. If you upload more than one card a day, each card will still appear in a separate album, but each will be named with the current date. I kind of treat each upload like a new "roll" of film
3. keep shooting with the same card (if there's still room). When you next try to import photos, the iPad will ask you what to do about the duplicate photos it found (i.e. the ones you shot yesterday that are still on the card). You can choose to upload the duplicates again, or simply upload only the new photos.
4. bring enough cards with you for your anticipated usage.
in the end you'll have a full backup on your iPad + originals on your memory cards. plus the iPad is great for reviewing the photos and doing some quick edits before you get home.
of course, all this assumes your shooting volume will fit on whatever size iPad you have. if you shoot lots of RAW you may need an alternative method of backup while on the road.