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Original poster
Jun 22, 2001
Well it was bound to happen, I was playing a little Monty Python to test the new snazzy DVD player while trying to coax my as of yet unsupported usb DSL modem into working, and I got a lovely new darker kernel panic. The background was a very deep gray. Sorry for the blur, but you get the general picture.

EDIT: I was sure I had made it clear, but this is a Panther KP.


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Arthur: Old woman!
Dennis: Man.
Arthur: Man, sorry. What knight lives in that castle over there?
Dennis: I'm 37.
Arthur: What?
Dennis: I'm 37. I'm not old.
Arthur: Well I can't just call you "man".
Dennis: Well you could say "Dennis."
Arthur: I didn't know you were called Dennis.
Dennis: Well you didn't bother to find out did you?
Arthur: I did say sorry about the "old woman," but from behind you looked...
Dennis: What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior.
Arthur: Well I am king.

Sorry, just had to - great movie. To bad on the kernel panic - I've not had one on my machine yet, although it has died on me once or twice.

great movie indeed...

the first time i "saw" monty python's holy grail was on "monty python: the final ripoff" CD... (collections of skits on audio...) so i didn't know that there was a servant with a pair of coconut shells banging them together to make it sound like they are riding a horse... :D

back to topic...
does the kernel panic screen differ from desktops to laptops? i had 2 kernel panics several months ago on my pb 12. when it happened, the entire screen pretty much turned black and if you look really carefully, you can see faint trace of the power off dialog... i thought the display died because i couldn't tell what had happened.
Okay, last one... don't make this a Holy Grail excerpts thread!

ARTHUR: Halt! Hallo! Hallo!
GUARD: 'Allo! Who is zis?
ARTHUR: It is King Arthur, and these are the Knights of the Round
Table. Who's castle is this?
GUARD: This is the castle of my master, Guido Wommer!
ARTHUR: Go and tell your master that we have been charged by God
with a sacred quest. If he will give us food and shelter for
the night he can join us in our quest for the Holy Grail.
GUARD: Well, I'll ask him, but I don't think he'll be very
keen... Uh, he's already got one, you see?
GALAHAD: He says they've already got one!
ARTHUR: Are you sure he's got one?
GUARD: Oh, yes, it's very nice-a (I told him we already got one)
ARTHUR: Well, um, can we come up and have a look?
GUARD: Of course not! You are English types-a!
ARTHUR: Well, what are you then?
GUARD: I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous accent,
you silly king!
GALAHAD: What are you doing in England?
GUARD: Mind your own business!
ARTHUR: If you will not show us the Grail, we shall take your
castle by force!
GUARD: You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your
bottoms, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you,
so-called Arthur-king, you and all your silly English kaniggets.
GALAHAD: What a strange person.
ARTHUR: Now look here, my good man!
GUARD: I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed
animal food trough water! I fart in your general direction! You
mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
GALAHAD: Is there someone else up there we could talk to?
GUARD: No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time-a!


Wes: Thanks for that pic! Looks... somewhat "cooler" than the Jaguar version... not that I want to see it on my own machine, but...

Hah. I remember seeing that movie once maybe five years ago. Great laugh.

Nice glow in the dark panic. Luckily it's not as bad as the infinite kernel text from 10.1
Originally posted by jxyama
is that the kernel panic in panther...?


Gotta be. Look at the other apps. DVD player is metal and the controller looks iTunes-ey. And there is what looks to be the Font book?

To paraphrase BillyG "That must be why we're not shipping Panther yet."
Originally posted by michaelrjohnson
How do you like the formac? I'm thinking about it, but i really want the BEST display.

I love it, when I have people come over they gawk at it. Crisp, no ghosting, and no dead pixels. I've had 0 problems with it. It.... just works, and well at that.
10.1 kernel panic pic (for reference) ..much less nice.
The Panther one is nice and gentle, almost soothing.

sorry the pic is small, it's from my phone


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This definitely isn't a new thing to panther because I've had the exact same box come up in 10.2.

Originally posted by mkubal
This definitely isn't a new thing to panther because I've had the exact same box come up in 10.2.


Actually, this kernel panic picture is new to Panther because it has a darker shade and looks more subtle than the Jaguar kernel panic... just compare them...


Panther (taken from Wes's picture)

The Grail is in the Castle of ARRGGGHHH.
The Castle of what?
No, in the back of the throat, ARRGGGHHH
Well, what does that mean?
Maybe his Mac died while writing it.
Don't be ridiculous, it wouldn't take the time to write ARRRGGGHHH, it would just write "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power Button for several seconds or press the Restart Button"

Sorry, I couldn't resist. ;) :)

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