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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 22, 2006
Chandler, AZ
Comments welcome!:D The last one isnt so good but its still kinda cool.














macrumors 65816
Hey Anthony-

Some nice pictures you have there, though they seem to be in dire need of some better post-processing.

The first shot is nice, but there is a significant amount of camera shake. A slightly faster shutter speed, producing a darker (and perhaps more intriguing picture), and you would have nailed it.

The second shot is great, but a bit too saturated. The sky looks cyan from here, and the red and yellow on the Red Bull sign is too bright.

3,4, and 5 are beautiful. One thing I would change is to make sure that all the horizons are even. It a distraction, but luckily, only a minor edit.

The photographer on the rocks is probably your best shot out of the bunch. I like the colors and the exposure is dead-on. It would have been nice to have captured his entire shadow, which would have given the picture more balance, but overall, this one is excellent.

On the seventh, I would probably have tried using a smaller aperture (F/11,13, or even 16) to try to get those rocks in the foreground into focus.

8 looks like a nice picture, but it is autrociously over-saturated. It actually hurts to look at it.

9 is OK. The exposure is good, but the actual image is not that interesting to me.

10 once again hurts to look at. It almost seems that this one was over-exposed to begin with, and then you tried to recover it. The water is over-saturated, and the cliffs are made to look too-contrasty.

11 is very good. It is an interesting shot, and the only thing I would change is to alter the exposure down a bit.

The last one is interesting, but the background is a bit distracting. Perhaps selective blurring of it, followed up by an increase in contrast would help (or making the curve steeper).

Overall your composition is down, and, save for a few, you got the exposure down. The only thing that seems to need some work on is your post-processing.

Good job.


macrumors 6502
Mar 28, 2007
Hey Pilotkid,

I've lived in San Diego for the past 8 years. I know the place at which nearly every one of those photos were taken. I was at the air show that day too. I'm still organizing my photos and doing post-processing before I post in "Things That Fly." The sunset was beautiful that day, and I unfortunately couldn't stop to take a picture. I loved how the sun was illuminating the edges of the clouds. It was almost a halo effect.

Good job getting the exposure on those sunset shots. I'm still having difficulty with those types of shots. For the other shots, did you oversaturate in post-production? Because, I've never seen a camera oversaturate to the point of creating a cartoon-like effect (e.g., your pic of La Jolla Shores from the cove). At any rate, I found the oversaturation highly objectionable.
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