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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 31, 2004
Hi, my brother in law saves pictures on his emac as jpeg or gif files, and cannot open them on a pc. an error message comes up. anyone have any suggestions?
A lot more info than that would be useful like:

what program is he saving them with?
how is he transferring the files?
how is he attempting to open them? double clicking? using a program? what program? what is the error?
Scenicroadways said:
Hi, my brother in law saves pictures on his emac as jpeg or gif files, and cannot open them on a pc. an error message comes up. anyone have any suggestions?
My first guess is that your bro-in-law isn't adding the .jpg extension on his files. That'd be the first thing I checked.
I had the same problems at work, where I got jpg files that were made on a Mac. I couldn‘t open them on my work PC, but after sending them home, I could open them on my Mac. It could have to do with the color scheme, because when I saved them at home without this scheme, I could open them on my work PC.
the only time I have ever had this issue is when I emailed a photo without checking the "send windows friendly attachments" box (when attaching a jpeg...)
Make sure they have the .jpg or whatever extension, otherwise silly Windows doesn't know what to do with it. You can add these extensions in Windows and all will be well.
The problem is almost certainly one of two things:

(1) Didn't add the .jpg or .gif extension to the filename. Mac can figger out what kind of file it is and deal appropriately; windoze cannot.

(2) It was sent over email and not encoded or decoded correctly.

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