Was just messing around with the photo app and discovered something I missed before.
When you have a photo open full size, you can pinch the photo down to a smaller than normal size. When you do this the background with the other images in the album you are in appears. You can also rotate the image in its "pinched" state around it's axis and drag it around.
It's actually kind of cool. Maybe I am the last person on the planet to stumble across this, but it was a fun little Easter egg to find.
If you haven't seen this yet, give it a try. It will make for a sexy demo at work tomorrow.
When you have a photo open full size, you can pinch the photo down to a smaller than normal size. When you do this the background with the other images in the album you are in appears. You can also rotate the image in its "pinched" state around it's axis and drag it around.
It's actually kind of cool. Maybe I am the last person on the planet to stumble across this, but it was a fun little Easter egg to find.
If you haven't seen this yet, give it a try. It will make for a sexy demo at work tomorrow.