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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 16, 2009
Ok, so I can't find any other thread out there about this... I was wondering what the fix for when my iMac 27 c2d comes out of sleep and pinwheels for about 4-5 sec.
It only started doing this when I updated to 10.6.2
I had a kernel panic yesterday, and now whenever my iMac reboots, the Finder gets the pinwheel for several seconds. I think I may have to do a fresh install which I am really not happy about.:mad:
Try repairing your permissions with Disk Utility

<<<Did this multiple times... No luck thanks for the reply tho... also tried zapping the PRAM still doing IT... Might have to just try a fresh install... Anybody else still having the pinwheel problem after waking???
Create another user. Log in as that user. Put the machine to sleep. Wake it up. Pinwheel? Then it's likely either a hardware issue (3rd party RAM?) or a system issue (you could reinstall, if you wanted to) or a 3rd party kernel extension that is causing the issue. OR, it could be re-acquiring network connections (wireless?)

No pinwheel? Then it's probably something relegated to your primary user's Library, which means you have a lot of work ahead of you trying to figure out what it is, but ultimately faster than a reinstall, which wouldn't fix your problem anyway if it's in your user Library.
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